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Thread: Nasty review

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Think of the advantages plenty of sun more exotic animals and a better health care system im going to pack my bags

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    Ok kieree, look at what you wrote about abuse and attacks (plus discrimination, plus paying lower wages for the same job, exploitation etc etc - we are better than them etc etc )
    And ask yoruself if that is acceptable, and how did you feel when it was the irish suffering and then think how it is just a short step to how the NF think
    First off it aint acceptable but as im saying its not as bad as other countries theres no hostels being torched or neo nazi marches outside on the streets as for exploitaion and low wages yeah theres plenty of that going on i just think comparing it to the NF is a bit ott thats all

  3. #53
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by anitasizzle View Post
    You don't know the psychological profiles of many of my customers like I do. I know exactly whose business I want or don't want. There's alot of ins and outs in this business and the best way to keep my head together is to tell the truth. If you're constantly lying to people, you'll no longer know how to distingrish between the ones who are ok to lie to and the ones that it's not. The hazard of being a working-girl is you become pathological liar, seriously
    Its seems to me that the only demographic you are attracting is men who want to have sex with a woman who does not want to have sex with them
    The rapist demographic if you will

    Given that appears to be your target market it is hardly surprising that your experience with Irish men has been less than positive.

    Might I suggest that you are in a self fulfilling prophecy you espouse your hate for Irish men and then ask them to pay to have sex with you any half decen tbloke is going to keep well clear

    I think you need to rethink your strategy

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I always find the UK National Front website makes for scary reading on these sorts of issues! National Front - Statement of Policy
    I was half afraid I’d see a picture of Liz on clicking on that link as on reading it they are as barmy as her.

    It's often said that the printing press is the most important invention in spreading ideas but I think the most important invention in overcoming prejudice is the jet engine as I agree with Anon that the world is so small now and everyone is so mobile that nutters like the nf will never have their way thank god. The concept of a national identity as being of a particular ethic group is outdated and has its roots in the 19th century model of empire imposed on all of us from Ireland to South Africa and all points in between. Times change and thankfully for the better in how intermingled we are today.

    I live by one rule and that’s live and let live and like or dislike me as a person if you wish but not cause of an accident of genetics as that is all any of us are.
    This message brought to you by the P.L.O. The poultry Liberation Organization. Motto, We Lay as we Slay

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I agree with you 100% Rooster, we're all just accidents that actually happened.....but to be honest, and no offence intended to any of the black and white gringos, but I would still rather be a latino accident.

  6. #56
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    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    I agree with you 100% Rooster, we're all just accidents that actually happened.....but to be honest, and no offence intended to any of the black and white gringos, but I would still rather be a latino accident.
    Wait until the aliens get here - then mankind can unite as one!

    (oh except in Alien Nation, for aliens read polish\ukraine etc etc)

    If only we had some sort of God or religion to guide us!!!!

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oven Ready Eddie View Post

    I live by one rule and that’s live and let live and like or dislike me as a person if you wish but not cause of an accident of genetics as that is all any of us are.
    I have but one rule myself - see plump chicken - KILL plump chicken - eat lovely tasty plump chicken mmmmmmm finger licking good

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewie View Post
    I see all white people are the same are we just one big lump of homogenous whiteness all thinking and doing the same thing.

    Look I don't have a problem with your skin colour i couldn't give a flying fuck what colour you are.

    The fact is that you make money here because you are relatively rare.

    White Irish men want to have sex with you because you are black (well its not your personality) it is something different.

    You hate Irish men

    So you have a choice fuck of back to america were you will not be anything exotic and hence have to rely on your looks and charm ( thats not going to get you far)

    Or stay here and milk it for a while longer until everyone realises your not exotic and your definitely not worth it.

    In the meantime please shut up banging on like you have principles or your all that because you are definitely not
    And for the love of jaysus would you put your brain in gear before you give your mouth free reign

    You are in Ireland the people here are your potential customers stop slagging them off

    From your post I can infer your primary criteria in choosing an escort is her race. Fine, but other clients have a more varied criteria. That's where my services come in, yes, some men do like black escorts while others like an escort who offers value for money and I can definitely click that box. And its true I'm no GREAT BEAUTY, but many men aren't looking to shag Porn stars, Glamor models or the EXOTICS they saw on their package holiday. I can also infer from your post that you don't like women who speak their minds. Now I never said I hated Irish men, but made an observation about them, one that you didn't approve of. So what! This is a forum for opinions, even ESCORTS with opinions. Some people won't like what I've said, so-those are usually the ones looking for an docile woman who's seen not heard. While others will find THRUTH in what I said and respect the fact that I had enough balls to say it without FEAR of lossing business-MY KIND OF CLIENT-one who understands that this is FANTASY and therefore no need for AIRS AND GRACES just GOOD SEX.

    P.S. My husband is from Mayo-I don't hate Irish men
    Last edited by anitasizzle; 07-12-08 at 00:00.

  9. #59
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    Default I’m surrounded by carnivores!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    I have but one rule myself - see plump chicken - KILL plump chicken - eat lovely tasty plump chicken mmmmmmm finger licking good
    That’s three rules Rory ya little greedy gut’s you but ovens a game ole bird so take as many portions as you like just leave my giblets to Liz and I hear Pats a breast woman so I’m hoping you’re a leg man
    This message brought to you by the P.L.O. The poultry Liberation Organization. Motto, We Lay as we Slay

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    I agree with you 100% Rooster, we're all just accidents that actually happened.....but to be honest, and no offence intended to any of the black and white gringos, but I would still rather be a latino accident.
    Have you noticed a slight similarity between your avatar and mine ?…………….you don’t think……no surely not………………..DAD!!!!!! HAVE YOU BEEN PECKIN IN PANAMA??????
    This message brought to you by the P.L.O. The poultry Liberation Organization. Motto, We Lay as we Slay

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