Quote Originally Posted by Kendra View Post
I offer kissing, oral covered, reverse oral (if he wants), massage, toys, sex in any position and wether it be slow and sensual or hard and fast (which ever he prefers as I like it both ways).

And some chat, kissing and cuddling (if he wants) and they can cum a couple of times during the hour.

So I would say that I offer normal, safe sex. I wouldn't class myself as being unimaginative just because I don't take it up the bum or put everyone's willy in my mouth without protecting myself or something along those lines.
The dangers of using imprecise words. Unfortunately, we have these words to use if we do not want to be to explicit. And the word “normal” is non-PC, and sometimes as imprecise.
My own understanding of the word “basic” is, I know, contaminated by the way I have used the word myself.

Your service, "I offer kissing, oral covered, reverse oral (if he wants), massage, toys, sex in any position and whether it be slow and sensual or hard and fast (which ever he prefers as I like it both ways)." does not conjure up in my mind the word basic. But that is just my prejudice regarding the word.