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Thread: Does anyone give a hoot who the eort of the month is other than ric

  1. #31

    Default "Their Loss"

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    Bless thats good of you but i don't think that Epsilon or anyone else would wish or want that now do you really - its not very nice to not have a point of view on this site - its a case of change and folk are scared of it

    Thanks though very sweet of you........... xxx The hot one
    It would be their loss, Epsilon is into something else anyhow, judging by the pics he put up in replying to big daddy 69 yesterday, it was an excellent reply, but he must have found it somewhere.

  2. #32
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Smile I have read and re-read it actually so that I got MY facts straight for you to read!

    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon View Post
    I am not sure where you are getting your information.
    i never once mentioned money or rates or discounts.. please explain to me where you are coming from with this..i have never called for girls to lower thier rates and never will. if you cant afford it ... tough..thats my stand on that issue.
    I know you have more hits then Ric. the point im making is that people are looking at his thread.. thats all. i never made any comparisons to any other thread.
    Please do me a favour and go back and read my original post again. you will see that i agree with Blonde. brunette...etc of the month. the only point i was making is that it takes time and commitment to do this and Ric Flair has given that with Escort of the month.
    I am sorry if you think i am trying to stir trouble, but you are very much mistaken. I am making a point that we all have the right to start a thread about any subject, within reason and if it causes no offence or harm to anybody, then what right have any of us got to critisise it.
    I think we will agree to disagree on this as you have not read or understood my original post.
    I read and re-read all that you had to say and by the way the hits just go higher.........folk like to read your and my thoughts but i am sure you are well aware of that??

    You do TRY to stir trouble for me but im not rising to the bait, sorry about that! You told me that on the section marked Soaps.........ramblings of said, that you didn't deem them to be anything other than inane and that Clarence and myself not to be very interesting - well don't read them then........lots write and tell me how funny they find them and a total brake from the inane banter written on here and actually enjoy them.......surprise, surprise but they do.

    I read what you and Carlos had to say - no comment - that was rediculous and i did expect more of you and Carlos to write that too - you do not know the business as well as the Ladies do on this side of the fence, how could you possibly........yes you think it a jolly good idea........then why ramble on and on against it.......who cares that this Escort of the month is done now for three months - that is of little and i both know it not to be fair and my way is a way for E-I to make more money and like yourself i too agree that men that look but cannot afford should not bother to look - I see that those that have been able to reduce their rates have done so but in saying this there are far more that have not and i say hats off to them.

    People whatever the subject matter in all spheres of life do NOT like change its something that scares them......that is a fact and something that i know you will not disagree with.

    Disagreeing with me though seems to be foremost your priority - go for it - i don't care, i am a woman WITH an opinion and i can but only presume that women in Ireland are not allowed this as it makes for an easier life not have one.

    My opinion counts for nothing so why even bother with me.......afterall i am but a mere woman but always remember the female of the species is far more deadly than the male.
    Even last night i was told why are you coming to Ireland - well because i can is why - although that has now changed as i was told by oven ready eddie - IT WOULD BE MY FUNERAL.............Nice........... Never get this shit anywhere else in the world, never, all the warnings anywhere else in the world, you should look into that more than the ramblings of a woman whose opinion you care nothing of.

    Seasons Greeting to you and your family........

  3. #33
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    Sep 2008


    I respect Carlos for his post although we did talk about it in the chatroom on Sunday evening and we all came up with this idea infact i think it was Big Daddy69's idea nobody elses...........

    The idea we came up with in the chat room was for an election for moderator i dont see wat relevence that has to this to your tiff with epsilon or to the escort of the month competition although i'm sure ric would welcome new ideas to breath new life into the escort of the month & would be happy to implement any changes to do so.

  4. #34
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    Sep 2008


    [QUOTE=Hot Lizzy; deadly than the male.
    Even last night i was told why are you coming to Ireland - well because i can is why - although that has now changed as i was told by oven ready eddie - IT WOULD BE MY FUNERAL.............Nice........... Never get this shit anywhere else in the world, never, all the warnings anywhere else in the world, you should look into that more than the ramblings of a woman whose opinion you care nothing of.

    Seasons Greeting to you and your family........[/QUOTE]

    Liz i would take the ramblings of a chicken with a pinch of salt i doubt anyone here takes this so serious that they would inflict harm on you & i dont think eddies that mentaly unstable either its an empty threat do not allow yourself to be intimidated so easily

  5. #35
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Wink No tiff just opinons clashing

    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy 69 View Post
    I respect Carlos for his post although we did talk about it in the chatroom on Sunday evening and we all came up with this idea infact i think it was Big Daddy69's idea nobody elses...........

    The idea we came up with in the chat room was for an election for moderator i dont see wat relevence that has to this to your tiff with epsilon or to the escort of the month competition although i'm sure ric would welcome new ideas to breath new life into the escort of the month & would be happy to implement any changes to do so.

    Pops i totally agree with you, folk are scared of change is what i think its all about.......

    We may think that Ric would welcome the thoughts but you must have noticed that he has not bothered to make remark on here.........

    I have no tiff with Epsilon he although it would seem just wants to stir up the old troubles which i do not wish to. Neither with yourself or anyone else and you know that to be entirely true! Some folk just cannot help themselves and i will not rise to the bait although i will not have my thoughts on this matter/topic changed as i do think that the Ladies on here do know better as we advertise on other sites in our own Countries and know how the system works. It was just a harmless thread that always has to end on pick on Lizzy and frankly as was said in Gone with the Wind - frankly i dont give a damn and the hits to the interest in nobody else really giving one either are proof of the pudding.

    Girls do want these Blondes/Brunettes etc i have mail to prove that they think it a great idea..........that my dear Watson was all i was trying to put forward a simple OPINION of my own and now others agree........pure and simple. Not after causing any trouble just i am surely entitled to an opinion or am i not??

    Seasons Greetings to you and yours.......... xxx Lizzy

  6. #36
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    Pops i totally agree with you, folk are scared of change is what i think its all about.......

    We may think that Ric would welcome the thoughts but you must have noticed that he has not bothered to make remark on here.........

    I have no tiff with Epsilon he although it would seem just wants to stir up the old troubles which i do not wish to. Neither with yourself or anyone else and you know that to be entirely true! Some folk just cannot help themselves and i will not rise to the bait although i will not have my thoughts on this matter/topic changed as i do think that the Ladies on here do know better as we advertise on other sites in our own Countries and know how the system works. It was just a harmless thread that always has to end on pick on Lizzy and frankly as was said in Gone with the Wind - frankly i dont give a damn and the hits to the interest in nobody else really giving one either are proof of the pudding.

    Girls do want these Blondes/Brunettes etc i have mail to prove that they think it a great idea..........that my dear Watson was all i was trying to put forward a simple OPINION of my own and now others agree........pure and simple. Not after causing any trouble just i am surely entitled to an opinion or am i not??

    Seasons Greetings to you and yours.......... xxx Lizzy

    Lose the persecution complex Lizzy. Nobody attacked you here. I gave my opinion on a subject that you brought up, you didnt like it and decided to take it as a personal attack.
    I agreed that it would be a good idea, but you seem to keep missing that point.
    Last edited by Epsilon; 02-12-08 at 15:34.

  7. #37
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Exclamation Pops I Did & I Do.........

    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy 69 View Post
    Liz i would take the ramblings of a chicken with a pinch of salt i doubt anyone here takes this so serious that they would inflict harm on you & i dont think eddies that mentaly unstable either its an empty threat do not allow yourself to be intimidated so easily
    Those were not nice comments and if i could i would report them but it would fall on deaf ears as Eddie has become the new QPH this we all agree on. God help us if the two of them were to collide there would not be enough room on the board for a reply.......

    God Bless You, and i hope that your Boxer Shorts are a big sell out for xmas and thoughout the year too.........i really think that thet Eau de cologne should of come out before Chrismas, well before as its not really going to get the sales figures that we forecasted.......damn those Frenchies for not getting the order sorted......

    Kiss love to you and yours at this seasonal time xxxxxx The Hiltons.....xx

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]Who really gives a damn about who the escort of the month is other than Ric Flair........

    I talk to lots of the Ladies and not a one of them give's a hoot so do tell what is the point - every month Ric does his one and only little thing - he never really adds to any of the post's just this one

    Rick maybe if you wrote something that is of interest to some of the folk on here then maybe you could be taken more seriously - frankly by the looks of you - i don't see that you are the man - plenty of real men on here........think maybe you need to go onto some sort of Miss World or crass reality show - there you would be in your element.

    Sure you will write back to me something incredibly rude - i wouldn't waste your time though cos really - its water of a ducks back to me and nobody really is interested in what you may consider the contenders - why don't you make it a little different - for sake of arguement - Blond of the month - Brunette of the month - Busty of the month - Mature of the Month..........that would be far better..........or come to that Independent of the month and also Agency of the month......... that my dear Ric should you bother to go onto some of the sites is what they have - why not do it here........

    I end this with why the most can be forged and we all know that it would seem that you are the only person that doesn't........

    Think about the suggestion I have made - makes more sense to me!

    The Hot One.........aka Liz Hilton London Escort.......... Ciao sweetie xxxxxxxxxx
    Perhaps ric saw this as more an attack then constructive critisism??? Mybe if the thread was titled IDEAS TO BETTER ESCORT OF THE MONTH ric would of replied as i have noticed in my time here that he does not involve himself in the slagging matches we are all so accustomed to at this point.. Now as i said it doesnt intrest me all that much but i'm free to print all kinds of stupid images slagging epsilon & bbj & anything else i feel like writing so ric is no different ffs we even have dogs & actual soap characters here these days so live & let live i say

  9. #39
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon View Post
    Lose the persecution complex Lizzy. Nobody attacked you here. I gave my opinion on a sublect the you brought up, you didnt like it and decided to take it as a personal attack.
    I agreed that it would be a good idea, but you seem to keep missing that point.

    This is the last comment i will make to you, i believe you to be missing MY point........and mine alone if you don't like what i have to say move on - It is a good idea - end of........not for us to say its down to Patricia though.

    Nobody attacks me anywhere for having an opinion anywhere but here - you can ask 9by3 and daddy they all heard what eddie said and it wasn't pretty......My funeral if i come to Ireland..........Let me say that to a woman coming to London that is one of your favourite squeezes and see how you would feel.

    I still wish you well.........although i do really doubt the feeling is mutual......
    How dare anyone threaten anyone's dare they.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Big daddys new line

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    Those were not nice comments and if i could i would report them but it would fall on deaf ears as Eddie has become the new QPH this we all agree on. God help us if the two of them were to collide there would not be enough room on the board for a reply.......

    God Bless You, and i hope that your Boxer Shorts are a big sell out for xmas and thoughout the year too.........i really think that thet Eau de cologne should of come out before Chrismas, well before as its not really going to get the sales figures that we forecasted.......damn those Frenchies for not getting the order sorted......

    Kiss love to you and yours at this seasonal time xxxxxx The Hiltons.....xx
    I would love to have it ready before christmas but between the clothing line the box meals & my new line of confectionary things r busy at daddy industries

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