Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
Ah Johnney ......... I thought you were in prison - did you get let out or have you escaped - if you have i wont snitch......leave that to Clarence cos she is such a terrible snitch and have you seen those pictures of her best mates i will put them on this post for you to see - (It's Quinten Crisp) wouldnt you know it.......that and babs cartland, typical........even though its worlds Aids day she is wearing her ribbon as im sure you would imagine - ITS PINK.........sometimes i do wonder about her.

Johnney have you seen your daughter in the Bill, yes the Bill........watch yourself cos she will have you back in jail in a blink of an eye - saw her on Strickley Come Dancing on Saturday evening.......be careful wont you.......

All my love whomsoever you are and join in the fun on the Opera section only cos thats where i am banishes to.........still this is the best section - you will be first on the list to the Hilton Towers Party for Christmas......... xxx Lizzy

Ah liz i dont really talk about my family much as we'v had bad experiences in the past but come christmas my dear perhaps i shall sit by your side at hilton towers