Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
Carlos, please Clarence is a lady she will be shocked with the likes of using words like (balls) those are only used to play Tennis and Cricket - please refrain from using bad language or i will get Higway Hilton, UK Heather Hilton, BigPaws Hilton, Sarah Hilton and yourself Carlos Hilton named and shamed, as for bbj Hilton and Daddy69 Hilton to vote for Clarence .......... so i say VOTE CLARENCE........She deserves it even if she does have the hots for Paul O'Grady and Mick Hucknell - there is no accounting for taste.

Watch out, watch out Clarence is about.........come on you pinks start voting. xxx

well our lizbet would be better at it than me. she was the captian of the ladies hockey team at school, even though she was the goalkeeper cos she ran like a giraffe

and she was the captain of the netball team and the top scorer cos she could flick the ball in with her nose they wouldn,t let her play football after she kicked the shit out of the other team one day.

and shes got the X Factor................. esp when Simon Cowells around......

so vote LIZBET

stick your thingy in her BOX


dont pick me