OK, you say you travel a lot, and that's when you meet the escorts, well you must be staying in a hotel yourself, so do a callout to your hotel, or if you are not in a hotel, then instead of seeing two a month see one a month and book a hotel Rome and do a callout, I do understand your feelings I am the same way,
Use you head, only you can find the way around it, think about where you go and stay, try stay along once a month somewhere and do the callout,

Quote Originally Posted by Iusedtobesomeonelse View Post
I've been a regular punter for about 15 years and a member of this site (with various user names) for about 5 years.
I would have considered myself to be a good client and punted say 1 or 2 times per month with various ladies, tv sand ts girls in whatever town or city it happened to be in.

All was fine until about 9 months ago I had a bad experience when after leaving an appointment I was followed by a Garda who tailed me to the edge of town before lighting up the blues and pulling me in. Basically he asked where I had been etc and I know I had done nothing wrong but there was a strongly implied threat that if he wanted to he could fuck me up a bit 'bring me in to the station'. Basically in the end I didn't admit to anything tell him enough to get him off my back and I was sent on my way.

Thing is I have been totally fucked up since this and cannot get the nerve up to visit any girls, not even my old favourites. This is shit, I want to get back punting, can anyone help me?????