Quote Originally Posted by Bigbadjohn View Post
it was the yanks invented concentration camps for the red indians long before the boer war

anyone that knows anything about world history and not just irish history han o man knows its the WHITE MAN thats responsible for the most mistreatment of their fellow races. right or wrong?


You ‘concentrate’ people in a relatively confined space. The American Indians had hundreds of thousands of square miles within which to roam and allowed outside of, but I do agree many were born, lived and died without ever leaving the reservation and also were set up on the most useless of land in the arse end of nowhere.

Something similar exists here if you care to look as if you look at the most scenic areas like rivers it is more then likely that it will be the property of or once was the property of the big house in any given area of the country and also the best land. There is a gobshite I know of that has bought a huge country estate as a birthday present costing 10 million for his even worse gobshite son (Posh English btw) and is living out a revival of the Irish RM and hates the Irish with a passion and will not even say hello to any Irish person that works there. So what our Grandfathers gave so much to rid us of is creeping back on a small tiny scale here with the only difference being that they have to buy the right to look down their noses today when they could just take it before 1916.

You cannot compare Reservations with the Boer or Jewish/Slavs/Romany gypsies experience as they are more comparable to each other and were based and run on an industrialized footing with the aim of demoralizing the fighting spirit of a guerilla movement in the case of the Boers and out of complete madness by the nazi’s and indeed to the war production and fighting capacity of the third reich

And I am in complete agreement with you on your last point. It is undeniable that Caucasian peoples namely the Anglo Norman and Germanic and Hispanics in Latin America have caused the most suffering then any other ethnic group in recorded history but my point was about Britain, not race.

I am not just into Irish history Bigbadjohn so drop the 'O' Man ref if you will.