Quote Originally Posted by Ladyvonteese View Post
The Dangers of with-holding your telephone number and the people that do?

Hi to all you lovely EI people who don’t with-held your telephone number when trying to make a booking with us lovely ladies or have the intelligence to either have a second phone or Sim card to ensure their escorting life is kept secret from their family life or know to text a lady he is speaking about making a booking with to ensure she will “Not call or text him on his telephone number”.

Of course escort will not except calls from with-held telephone numbers for safety reasons and rightly so too! Us ladies know if a guy is calling with a with-held telephone number he is going to be a time-waster or some-one who thinks foolishly us ladies should make an exception to our safety so he does not have to use a different Sim, phone or bother texting after the booking, “requesting not to be contacted via his telephone number after the initial chat or booking”.
While in Cork I was contacted 183 times in just 2 days from a with-held telephone number which I believe was from the same person. When this happens I do my usual thing, answer for a minute and then hang up so it is longed that this person has called me. Just to let you know this is nothing new as this person now has been doing this for months but it’s just getting worse.

Even though I or anyone else obviously don’t know the person behind the with-held telephone number but you can imagine (god forbid) anything happens to me like being attacked (as I would not hesitate in going to the Guards and making a statement to get the person/persons arrested like many other girls would do also) or murdered, the Guards would be more inclined to get this sick fucks with-held telephone number who harass us girls in this manner than those who would be making a general booking with their telephone number.

A person who keeps calling any person in such a manner has not only nothing to do with his life but I really do believe could be a danger to another person or the person they are harassing in such a manner, so what do you guys think, do you agree such a person has mental health issues, could the person be dangerous, do you think I am wright in saying Guards would be more inclined to trace a with-held number if a person was attacked or murdered and how do you deal with with-held telephone numbers in your line of work, do you know how to stop a with-held telephone number getting through on your phone? What’s you’re thought on people who do this, do these call effect your business or family life?

As I am writing this the sick fuck has just called me yet again and told him I was just writing about him, so I am guessing he will be reading these thread.

All the best

Lady Von Teese
Let one of your trusted regulars answer it , it usually sorts the little boys out .