Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
If anyone wants to say he they feel Liz should be banned, I am defo listening to that, but the way Samantha approached this is not the way to get things done.

Every week ladies contact me to complain about the behaviour of others on this message board. These complaints are always listened to and dealt with, and nearly all of the time the complaining lady is satisfied with the action we take to resolve the issue.

I'm aware Liz annoys many but many also like her.

Honestly, my opinion on what is going on here at the moment is that it is not Liz or any other individual user who is causing the problems here, it is general unrest and what is needed is for us to have a firm moderator here nearly 24/7, reading every single post and putting people back in their place when they step out of line.

This is what we plan to do, but I'm afraid we just don't have the staff to do it at the moment. We hope to quite soon, but in the meantime we are just doing our best with the staff we have.

I would personally live on these message boards, but for the fact I am currently overseeing major changes to E-I that have been a long time coming, that a lot of people want and that I believe will greatly improve this website and I'm not prepared to put off these changes any lonnger by spending all my time here so they never get done.

In this case Liz was calling Samantha names and Samantha was calling Liz names back.

Really if Samantha wanted Liz banned she should not have gone down to her level because when I looked at this I saw 2 people slagging each other off which is very different to one person attacking another out of nowhere. In that situation I didn't feel it was fair to say Liz you are banned for casting offensive insults, but Samantha you get no reprimand.

Yes Samantha is a sometime customer, but so are thousands of other ladies, and there are also tens of thousands of clients who use this website, who may not be paying customers of ours, but if we ignored their concerns we'd soon lose them and then where would this website be? We can't change our actions and plans to please one customer who is threatening to not be a customer unless we do something for her. We have to do what we believe is best for everyone overall.

I wish Samantha all the best and I don't ignore her feelings here, but no escort is ever going to dictate who is banned from using these message boards - That has to be my call.

Also this was not a situation where Liz attacked Samantha out of nowhere - It was an argument between the two of them where arguably Samantha gave as good as she got.

There was a similar argument between two other ladies earlier this week. I took the two ladies aside and explained to them that this message board was not their cat fight ground and if the arguing didn't stop I'd bar them both. One lady stopped instantly and explained she hadn't even wanted the argument in the first place. The other lady stopped more reluctantly just as I was about to ban her. However, in the end it was resolved and the bitching ended and both ladies got on with their business. My point is arguments can be resolved, it doesn't have to be "Her or me" and all this drama.

Also, just last week I permanently banned 2 people over attacks they made on a advertiser here. So I am well capable of doing it. But it has to be because I feel it is warranted, not because I'm being held to ransom.

Pat x

Fair enough also and thanks for that, if your understaffed, your understaffed but I get the feeling you use that as an excuse until the current storm passes and you have to get ahead of the storm here at some point or your farm will end up as hurricane fodder. Genuine Escorts and Clients are no going to wade through this shit indefinitely, its got nothing to do with what this place is for. How you can be understaffed when you charge twice the rate that IIE does has me beaten I have to say, they charge less, are a smaller outfit but simply do not have these problems Patricia so with respect womanpower to walk the beat 24/7alone in not at the root of this but would be a huge help if we could have confidence in clear rules of conduct being posted sometime in our ever shortening futures and rigorously enforced and before anyone gets on there high horse about free speech, free speech is not free, it never has been and freedom of speech does not give anyone the right to say the utter filth that has spewed from the mouths of many here lately an is showing no sign of stopping as its been months now. I like a good fair robust forum and not some nicey nicey fakeness but not this mess and for what its worth and again you will lose no sleep over this and why should you but I from having to wade through endless and pointless crap rangeing from name calling to peoples families being used as pawns to death threats here for months now only post here, my arrangements are made via other sites as a small protest so any money spent by Escorts here is wasted from my perspective and again they wont lose any sleep over little ole me but several other people have said much the same to me, they post here but poke elsewhere if I can put it as bluntly as that so if that body of punters grows Patricia then I can’t see any point in Escorts spending money here can you so please treat this aggression on boards as the biggest single danger to your site and get someone on top of these boards like a rash as I don’t think you see how its undermining you as I for one won’t be using this site until basic manners as we would expect as a bare baseline of common decency is restored and enforced on everyone

The power here is with the Escorts and rightly so but I as a consumer have power also and I have voted with my feet just as Samantha has also so again please sit up and take note before more do the same, its so easy to solve so why not solve it.