Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
Liz you have insulted Samantha in a nasty manner and you have also slandered her it seems. I had hoped you were behaving yourself better these days. Is there a reason I shouldn't send you on holiday for this?

I know there are people on here who are rough with you and you are rough with them back, and that's one thing, but it is another thing if you attack someone out of nowhere and cause them great upset.

I have thoughts on where you could send me and if you could Maritus would be good,
New York to see Dolly Darling, Cuba another, Barbados, Cyprus to see an ex, Portugal, if none of the above were would you like to send me. So the answer would be a definite no.

Don't believe i said anything worthy of a holiday a la E-I, although she has. Is it worth going down this road again - I don't think so as i don't believe it to be really of any need.
Like i said, people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I don't live in a glass house and therefore I am not making false alligations.

If you think that i am a man, a journalist, an author, someone that is running a parlour or an agency, a gentile, or any of the things that she is trying to ruin my livelihood then that would be your call - as all and any of these things i am not then you would have to be the best person and one better of knowing myself than she. Although in saying all of this i think that you can see, as i do show my face on my site and my body that i am a woman, and therefore can we be sure that her name Samy is that not of a man, perhaps it were not Samantha but that of Samuel? We just don't know!

This forum is fun and i try to adhere to the rules alas when someone comes out with balderdash and tripe one must then of course retaliate, were it done under some sort of substance induced way then that is something that would need to be thought of as rather sad and a person crying out for help. Neither you or myself know whether this would be the case and i would not dare to presume although paranoia is a classic sign!

I know not of anyone using substances to addle their brains so the forum being under your rules would then have to be dealt with in the way you would deem only proper.

I am not an agency or have any thoughts on setting up an escorting site not now, or ever and with the financial climate the way it is - no businesses are a good idea to set up at this time, would you not agree - its hard enough to find new Clients in this current ression as escorts are what can only be turmed 'a luxury item' this i am sure you will agree with.

Warmest regards,

Hot Lizzy aka The Maggot, aka Liz Hilton london escort.