Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
You have to be seeing red..........

Manchester City played you off the park - it looked as bad as it was.........whats worse it was Stephen Ireland that scored first for City. - Frankly i think that you were lucky to just lose by just the three cos the lights were on but there really was nobody at home this afternoon.

Like I already told thehighwayman, "It isn't over till the fat lady sings" and it isnt yet, long way to go..........

Ok so who is now taking money on Wenger leaving at the end of the season??? No i haven't heard anything as of yet......but there have to be Chinese whispers or rumours around. If he is to go then who would you think would take over at Arsenal.....if this was going to happen - i don't think he will go though.

Bring back the sexy football - It used to be like watching ballet it was so beautiful - now its just looking like you will be 'walking alone.'

xxx Hot Lizzy........... (See you at the Bridge next Sunday lads?)

Ok ......... sorry i put that picture of me on here in the Chelsea shirt - its the 2005 winners one remember........I do.........Oh sorry that was cruel.....

Come on........talk to Lizzy, she was shocked just as much as you were - Stephen Ireland naughty to do that to you gorgeous Irish guys - but the Brazillian guy - that was good -
Sunderland playing this afternoon......who is going to win that, come on its your man Roy's team playing today. Would you adam and eve it none of the top four scored - i heard thats the first time that has ever happened before..... xxx

P.S. Got lots of shots of me with the Chelsea shirt on so come on otherwise i will add them.