I am interested in the punting habits of the members of this site.
I understand there is quite a diverse population with regards to ages, possibly covering 18-80 and beyond, but what interests me, is how members decide to punt, how often, and how they pay for it.
I myself being young and of limited income visit on two occasions, 1) When I have very few events coming up and have gotten extra shifts in the shop where I work and decide to treat myself, and 2) When I have won money on a soccer bet I have done in the bookies.
I think this is a fun way of operating as it gives a thrilling and exciting element to a vice which is already quite a rush, gambling that is, not punting.
Are there people here who visit escorts daily/a couple of times weekly, and despite whether or not you are comfortable financially or not, does it sometimes play on your conscience, how much money you are spending (say annually speaking).
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the ladies aren't worth it, and I know there are other things i.e smoking, drinking alcohol etc which can be measured annually which are much worse than punting, I'm simply curious as sometimes when in a financially bereft passage sitting at home alone, I lament on the sums of money I have spent for 30 minutes of sexual depravity, which could have been used on a big night out with good mates. This feeling is especially poignant after a bad punt, of which admittedly I have had only one or two.
So have any of you guys felt that feeling of regret after spending some hard earned cash even when a visit to a lady was spectacular, or am i just a tight miserable git. Feel free to respond with a simple yes you are
By the way great site, I am a long time user, short time member