What responsibilities does this website have on this matter. I know that it is impossible to say that one hundred percent that a girl may be trafficked just by looking at their pictures, profiles. But if there is suspicion of any kind should these profiles be allowed to be advertised. Girls using profiles with unverified photos, some of which aren't very good, profiles with ratted positive reviews by clients that only have ratted reviews, should they be allowed to be advertised on this site. I know behind all the chat rooms, forums, EOTM competitions, beautiful girls, the main purpose of this website is to generate revenue for it's owners. Do they overlook their responsibilities in preventing trafficking for financial gain. I quote directly from this website "clients play an important role in stopping sex trafficking and exploitation in Ireland - please do your part" While this is entirely true, surely this website plays an important role too.

I would ask the moderators of this site to comment, share their views.