That someone would wish violence on someone. Of course, its ok to not like someone, not stand someone, even to hate someone, to despise someone, and get chills of remorse from someone.... but it should stop there, or at least in church after lighting a few candles for hating hurts the person hating more then person who's hated But all these negative feelings on another person, should never reach the point of violence. Fact is, if he wants to imagine a pretty girl having a bad face, he can just think to the future, when she is an old lady??? Or if a person has truely been horrible to another, then garanteed KARMA will sort them out, but KARMA will sort the "Hater" out if he lashes out in equal evil action. Isnt that almost always the case? People eventually have happen to them what they have done to others. God is the only one who can interject an evil person's karma, that is if they have become a changed person for the better. What can I say? Who is right and wrong? It doesnt matter really... what matters is that the person who was wronged, never should lower themselves to the lowness of the other person who wronged them. Abide the time, wait it out, you watch closely, and Karma proves itself true. And if you remain innocent and pure, Karma will reward you for being a victim. For the magnitude of wrongness caused you, the same magitude of goodness will be rewarded to you... ONLY if you remain innocent in your thoughts and actions. If you throw acid on a face.... Believe me.... Your karma will become equal or worse then the person who originally wronged you.

Words have power. You have heard that there is power in prayer? That is because several people all say aloud the same thing, and it works as magic to effect the universe. This is why we should always think before we speak. Words have power and can bring words into actual reality. Everytime someone wishes harm on another, that person who was spoken against, must be more careful, as their risks of harm are increased. Vice versa, if a person is blessed and spoken well of, they will have better things happen in their life.

I understand, that alot of what is said on this site is politically incorrect, and very rude, but I think as long as it is not truely believed... then we will be light hearted about it all and have a laugh, but if someone here is determined in the hate they write about, then there is danger for the person they speak against.

Please everyone remember these rules of karma and the universe. Maybe you now think Im a nutter, but this is my experience after years of study and research and observation. This is the connection between the mind, soul, spirit, and physical. We do have power to make things happen just by our words. Please be careful the thoughts you entertain and express. And think twice before wishing harm on another, for more then likely that wish or action may bounce back and hit you back.