A friend of mine used to have a regular who shat in the shower.

Lovely gent apparently. Always arrived for his booking on time, handed her an envelope with the right money in it - got down to business, straight sex nothing kinky, blew his load, then said "Thanks very much love, can I use the bathroom quickly?" Then off he'd disappear into the bathroom, before popping back out 5 minutes later, saying a final cheerio and going on his merry way.

Then she'd go into the bathroom and they'd always be one shit sitting on the floor of the shower.

I don't know how she put up with him, but she did, and she never even said anything to him about it.

She said to me of the situation "Ah I don't mind him! There's much worse than him out there. I just put on a pair of Quinnsworth disposable plastic gloves, pick it up and pop it in the toilet, then give the shower a good rinse with disinfectant."

So shitter, own up, are you still around somewhere?