writing irish, reminds me of my old primary teacher, who would drill irish grammar into us nd maths, i did everything in irish, prob why i can spell much better in it

but she literal beat it into us sometimes, knowing your shit saved a slap of the ruler
like she didnt beat you because you where slower learner, our school was small, she knew us, she knew what we where able to do and when your been lazy, nd when you where lazy whack

also when we misbehaved we got a small smack, not beating a smack well ruler on the hands, im only 26 so its recent enough,

even my chemistry teacher was no stranger to throwing a few slaps across the heads, and well they where deserved
there was another who if two lads where fighting he go in nd pull them Apart by the ears, nd sort of kinda shame them for fightiing,

now adays you get in serious shit if you touch a child, are kids becomming, brats for it? knowing they can get away with it, if they shout abuse etc, are we creating a generation of soft but bratish kids

they dont play outside get dirty now, but play on ipads, they deal with adult themes and loose the innocence much earlier, like santa was still real for me at 11, small school no net, small community was easy, and i thank them for it

like my father age was the extreme, beaten for speaking irish, and his own parents only spoke it and then of course he a citeóg a left handed nd was beaten for not writing with his right, the devil was in him you see

i think the level i had, was suitable, the teacher who once walloped me for trying to rob shit for the chemistry lab for halloween, is prob one of my most respected teachers, he taught us more about life than others plus he was mental
i like that in people

should a teacher be allowed to hit? not beat a smack
the ruler wasnt that bad

back of the legs was worse, but i did throw a stone a boy head who was trying to kiss me lol
nd i never threw a stone at his head again