Hi guys,

So it's been 8 years since the last time I even kissed a woman, my current bodyweight, workload and general situation completely prevent me from having and real contact with women or a chance at meeting someone for frolicking or more..

I really want to try escorts but i'm fearful to the point of paranoid that i'll be 'caught' or questioned, especially by the gardai. I'm not great talking to authority figures and want to make sure of what the risks involved are.

My questions are: How often if ever have you experienced gardai stopping or questioning you? What do you have to say in these situations? How do you act? Can they take your personal details? Is this a one in a million chance or an occasional problem punters have to deal with?

I am in the Galway area - does anyone have experience they want to share on what areas are patrolled or has anyone been stopped before/after visiting an escort? Am i totally over-worried or is it something I should prepare for?

I feel once I'm comfortable with this aspect of punting I can finally try it out and end this awful and painful dry spell. Any suggestions, experience or help it well appreciated.
