Quote Originally Posted by Brenda Beauty Babe View Post
Skyshit, you fed up desperate bloke,
what's your problem is?
22posts in 1 day,
you must be really sad.
Are you pissed off from the recession coz you havn't money for a shag?
Or are u pissed off that you aren't so handsome like the 2 hot male escorts?
Or that God didn't gives you such a big dick?
Or what?
Ah, come on!
Depend on replies here and there, nobody's interested in your crap, so shut the fuck.
I can post here whatever I want,
and if you don't like it just don't read it and move elsewhere.

Cheers xxx
Changed ny mind! 22 posts in a day and happy. Its good to have a day off, even better to have the few pints as well. Recession is good for punters with the likes of the wonderful Rachel and Naomi adjusting their rates. That is perhaps something you could learn from. Then again, cheaper prices wouldn't get you class Brenda. Those 2 hot male escorts are indeed fine specimens of men. Nice that they get you so excited. I am way uglier than them. Thanks for your concern about my penis. It comes a bit quicker than I like and stays hard longer than is ever needed. Its average length, wider than average. Gotta accept it wouldnt fill you but by the look of it I would need a dick like a childs arm to even attempt to fill you! Any further questions, just ask someone else. I've lowered myself enough for one day.