Let's see this new Obama boy what he's got in store... yeah everybody now says "he is a nice guy" cause all we can see is his pic next to Bush pic... but I say anybody's pic next to Bush's pic will look wonderful... so le't not get too excited just by the looks, after all it's just a pic all we have about this new Obama boy, and America is more than just pics and advertising, even though everything seems crystal clear thanks to the so called "freedom democracy"?? ... ... ... the sad part of this is that whatever goes on in America affects directly this other part of the world, cause it seems that all people are interested in nowadays is in Hollywoods, cocacola, Nikes, and McDonalds... sad reality, as in many other cases

This Obama boy may end up being a Puppet, or making mistakes, or losing his heart, or betraying himself, or even further being assassinated... whatever happens, who can make a real difference now? YOU.