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Thread: Makes you wonder!!! Alot!!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default You said it girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssa Jenkins View Post
    I have just been browsing through all the threads and reading alot of negative things and just paused for a minute and thought to myself how sad it must be to be an internet bully or the likes there of and then to accuse someone else of being exactly what they are?? I am wondering really what kind of joy it really could bring slagging off someone you have never met?? Or just being downright negative??? I have always believed in karma and so far I have never ever been wrong about this belief....With respect I know we all believe different things but something deep within me wanders does it really make you feel better slagging someone else off??? Does it promote your own deep insecurities what exactly does it do for you??? I generally consider myself to be a warm and loving person and would rather encourage than well tranmple on people so my own voice of reason asks the question what makes it so good to actually pick on people what does it really do for you??? Just an insightful question I guess from someone who likes to live and let live???Kisses and Hugs hope it isnt to transparent that Im a nice person xxxx
    Thats why im done posting here.Too negative,way too negative.Nobodies perfect and we all have opur moments but ongoing negativity like the rubbish thats being posted here acheiuves nothing and drags everything.I dont do negative,i dont talk with negative ppl,i dump negative girls.I make an allowance but when its ongoing its day day and have a happy wonderous life.
    Im was in and out this past week and jesus i cant even contemplate the thought of opening another fuckin post of bullshit.If there were a prize you could say something but christ no.Even children when they argue have a reason.Here apparent adults bickering
    over ????Over what?Jesus beats me.
    Your also right about their own insecurities.Generally i find those that shout the most do the least.At least i can walk away and say hey i took the piss alot but ppl could see it for what it was,good fun and nothing else.I have my serious no holds barred side too but i keep it for serious no holds barred issues in my own private (real) life.
    So im off.Fuck this place.Way too negative for my liking.

    Here is my fav movie moment and for a reason.Some here would do well to live by it.

    YouTube - Life Of Brian - Ending


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Nice post Alyssa we all know your a genuinely lovely person

    'Don't take life too seriously you will never get out of it Alive'

  3. #3

    Default Damned if you do - Damned if you dont here...

    Dolly Darling, like the name implies, is a fun-loving, easy-going, humorous personality. That's how I've been, always have been, and always will be. Why have I come on these boards? The reason was to make friends. As I love good humor, and yes, I lived in Ireland most of my life and would certainly have an Irish-inclined sense of humor myself, (tho now I live in USA), I wanted to have some nice laughs on here. I have not come here to promote business. No, I havn't because I don't need to. I have a website, great photos, and more then enough phone calls for me to answer. I don't come on here to promote myself. Only to make friends. And thank God, I have made a few friends, and they are genuine, but there has been more hassle and scandal for me then I would've ever thought possible!

    It's damned if i do and damned if I don't here. I've ignored many nasty comments and threats, and preferred the peace and quiet over any potential scandal. I've focused on laughing and joking and flirting. But even with my positivity, openness, loving and happy attitude, I've had abusive comments thrown at me jealous escorts and non-punters like "center of attention" "Gobby Yank" "Fruit Loop" "Drama queen" "Crazy" and many more horrible nasty comments.... and what does this show me? It shows me that if I'm positive and happy and joking around, trying to make friends and have a good time, then I will be attacked for it. So, what else is there to be? Should I finally lose my temper and lash out on the mean people here? Like a happy person gardening and singing and tending the roses, but these little rats keep biting at my ankles... till I blow like any normal person would blow! So, yes I finally blew last night in the chatroom. I had enough of being bullied. And of course, it made everyone think I was a "nutter" (as someone called me). But you know what? I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. Whether I am sweet and silent as pie, or react finally after 3 months of keeping it bottled up inside, it doesn't matter, cause i was cursed from the start. I would assume its cause I'm tagged as the "yank". Lads, I am not stupid! I lived in Ireland most of my life and I know the attitude Irish have about Americans. I always resented being called a "yank" and "blow-in", just as all of you resent being called "paddys". But see, I'm a private person, so I don't talk about myself or life or past. It is so horrible when people assume things without having a clue about a person. Am I being forced to tell all my secrets to cyber ghosts? Am I to tell where I grew up, and all the places I lived and prove that I'm not a full-cultured "Yank"? And even if I am a full-cultured Yank, why does that just automatically make Irish people think we are all the same in America??

    Damned if I do damned if I don't. All i ever wanted was to keep my secrets, flirt like the slut I am, joke around, have a nice positive time. But I was pegged & tagged. Why so? I assume cause of me being perceived as Yank, and maybe for my higher rates. No matter, no one deserves to be harassed. And I tried to keep calm when bad things were said about me, and keep things low key. But I tell you I have come back to USA and see that I am still being talked about even tho I'm so far away! So yes, I did finally blow my fuse. A person can only take so much bullying before they explode. Does that make me a bad person? A bad escort?

    I'm not stupid, I know men wont see girls who they associate with DRAMA. Why would a girl call me a drama queen but to scare men off from seeing me? And why else would a man who has harassed me for 3 months and I finally made publicly known also call me a drama queen and many other bad things, but to also scare men from seeing me? Its the oldest trick in the book. To hurt me, they hurt my reputation, and hope it hurts my business.

    As Liz said, girls are afraid to say anything cause it will hurt their business. And this statement is true. I stayed silent for 3 months. When I finally couldn't take the harassment anymore, I spoke out, and BANG now I'm on the bad girl list. Yes, I understand its nice to have a smiley doll who submits entirely, and Yes, I am that smiley doll who submits entirely, but maybe you all dont know that, because you never met me before, you are just reading what the cyber ghosts say. I think it is my right to not tolerate harassment.

    I am so very sorry to all the beautiful peaceful men out there who have been unfortunate to stumble upon all the negative abusive posts here. It saddens my heart greatly, that some bullies have implied that you should be scared by me or think bad of me. Its a shame that tho never meeting me, from a negative post or comment about me, you may never feel inclined to meet me. And what a shame that would be, as the rumors and accusations here are created by people who are obsessed with dragging good people thru the mud, those who love the negative side of life, and jealous escorts who want to remain the Queen Bee.

    All I can say, is that whatever negative things are said about me, I hope you will always remember that Dolly Darling is a peaceful, easy-going, loving, fun girl who is a true nymphomaniac who worships cocks and loves to submit and make men the most happiest ever.

    I still have love in my heart for all of you (except the ones who bullied me). And this is why I am so deeply affected with sadness from all of this. I've come to the conclusion, that there will never be a time here without scandel. I see every week, another scandel arises. Even to the extreme of attacking the E-I owner herself! In which I defended, and found the attacker turned straight on me with the same "deadlines" of apology.

    It is a tough place I am in now. As I am not stupid. I know this business. I know psychology, I know how to fight. But I don't want to fight! I don't want drama! I just want to laugh and fuck and sing and be happy.

    I think the only way to have my peace back is to leave this site. It will be sad for me, as I have found so many people I like to talk to here. But I don't know who can be trusted. Even private messages can be shown publicly, and a man who said I can trust him 1000% is now threatening to publicize private messages.
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 28-10-08 at 19:11.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Dolly

    That was a hard post to read,
    As you know we got off on the wrong foot and clashed in the early days, that is water under the bridge and over the past number of months i have found your posts a delight to read, they are well written, intelligent and almost insane, but the insanity is carefully disguised humour, and tongue in cheek.
    I am sorry to see that you are now the target for abuse here, and have not witnessed it except in a few posts i have read, so im not fully up to speed, but if its any consolation, i think you are a breath of fresh air to these boards.
    Keep you head high and dont lower your self to the level that lizzy is at.
    You are a good person, so stay that way.

    keep smiling.

  5. #5

    Default Dolly

    I too love reading your posts I think they are clever and funny and well thought out. I know where you are coming from I just want a bit of fun and all that stuff. I tend to be a very private person as well....I started this post as I am also tired of being picked on by persons that actually know sweet f all about me and like you I can reach a boiling point and blow as well so I thought rather than go and get all mad I would just post something slightly positive here that is bright and expresses an opinion rather than a rant and all that. I believe that turning negativity into positive is a big advantage.I see no reason why people should be picking on each other at all, it certainly doesnt get anyone anywhere I would have thought. Keep positive and just remember that there is karma in the world. I believe in very similar things to the likes of yourself and anita sizzle and love those things xxxxx
    Will MISS you all... For those of you that will keep in touch you know how to do this.... Take Care Kisses Alyssa Jenkins xxxx

  6. #6

    Default I very much apologize for the long post

    Believe me, i am very much aware of how WE all, including myself hate to read long posts. I do apologize for that, but as you know, I have pretty much kept all negative issues private and to myself since Ive been here, but now I had to tell how I feel, so It did end up getting to be a longer post then i ever did before.

    I hope I dont have to make a long post again. I just wanted to get it out there, that anyone who has met me, knows how much fun and sweet I am. That I give an excellent service everytime, and that it would be a shame if the ones who never met me, if they took the cyber-ghosts comments to heart.

    People who copy and paste conversations and private messages, have ability to edit and add words. Nothing should ever be taken serious when others are gossiping and slandering on a website. It is all here-say. And always we must consider the source and check patterns in the person's behavior. Ive found that the bullys on here, use the same attack method everytime. It's kinda funny, that they cant be more creative LOL. But I guess it uses up so much energy to just be mean...

    Thankyou for the nice warm comment. I so tell you that I spent all day yesterday upset over the things being said about me. Wondering who my friends are, and if I could really trust anyone here. I suppose I fell too much in love with all of you and this site. It hurt me more then it should have. Thanks again for your kind words. They are very much appreciated.
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 28-10-08 at 22:50.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Group Hug!!!!!!!!!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default To Dolly

    My dear Dolly,
    fret not pet.

    just remember that

    a/ it must be only about 5 posters who have been mean to you.
    Are you really going to let them win? You are tougher than that, and their cyber whispers aint worth salt girl.
    Remember they dont know you - their words, bitter and twisted have no meaning in the real world and its silly taking much said on here seriously.

    b/ As an escort has pointed out before, most "punters" dont even bother to read the boards, they just look at the profile and ring. Most dont even bother to read a review.
    If they like the look of your pic, they ring!

    So dont worry about your business, cos the posters have NO influence really

    Now, you dust yourself off, toss your head back defiantly and post whatever you damm well please and ignore all the bitching!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default this is way too nice a thread

    what is this ?

    an episode of
    family ties
    the waltons
    little house on the prairie

    i dont dont know if i can handle all this - have ye all gone jehovah witness on me

    ye'll be exchanging the carpenters cd's next !!!!

    there is an undercurrent of maturity and reason sneaking onto this site and i gotta tell you i dont like it one little bit

    sort it out patricia !!!!
    Last edited by Alec Horan; 28-10-08 at 20:08. Reason: just to remove the bit where i called patricia a cunt......ooops !!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Dont let the ba***rds grind you down

    This is my first post and i felt i just had to say some thing. I have met Dolly on severial ocations and i have to say i have never met a more friendly and honest person in my life. After meeting with Dolly i would always spend time sometimes an hour or more just chatting and getting to know each other. I cant understand how any one could think bad things about Dolly these people are childish and definitely have not met Dolly. I hope these people havent put you off this site and like Alyssa said Karma is dangerous thing to mess with. Hope to see you back in ireland soon. J.P.

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