Decriminalising: Demoralising? EUSA to vote on sex-work motion

EUSA face opposition from MSP Rhoda Grant regarding a motion to support the decriminalisation of sex work. Students will have the chance to vote on whether Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA) should actively support the decriminalisation of sex work at the Student Council meeting on Thursday 6 February.

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The motion will call for EUSA to issue a statement demanding decriminalisation and to liaise with organisations such as SCOT-PEP and the Sex Worker’s Open University to work towards this goal.

The motion will also result in a zero-tolerance attitude to “whorephobia” and an investigation into how to support student sex workers at the university.

Finally, EUSA will disparage anti-sex worker campaigns employed at other universities.

The vote will take place following news that Edinburgh City Council has decided not to license sauna and massage parlours, a policy shift away from the prior acceptance towards sex work by the city.
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