Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
The voice of reason as always, bless your cotton socks and thank the Boyne Valley for having raised you. You make a good point in that we need to see and allow Liz to show a different side to herself, I am sure she has a lot of wisdom that could be shared and would ask both her and everyone to keep at least one thread civil or concede this place once and for all to the bon fire of the vanities and be done with it.

It would be interesting to see if she does have this different side to her personality. Let her show it if she has. Her alter ego, bbj, sadly shows all the same failings
Just on a light note, there is no way that BBJ is Lizzy, he made a ref to top links to me a while back, which is an agricultural term, there ain’t no way on Earth Liz knows ANYTHING about tractors or top links, top hats maybe, but not top links.

This is a light post so PLEASE people don’t let this descend into World War three about which is best, first or second cut silage or set a side versus intensive farming.

BBJ being Liz???????? Nrrrrrrrrrrr, me tinks not. But I would pay top Dollar to get Liz on me Massey though, she can plough my furrow anyday, whatever else you say about her, she's a fine figure of a Woman…