look at ireland

how many memembers on her go on about the prudish irish woman? they dont like sex etc

but when i was in collage nd lets say sexual liberated i was a slut the guy would be king,

irish women had little choice with sex no contraceptive nd if you got pregnent shame or worse laundry, or marry nd end up with 12 kids, if men had this burden they be pushing away sex too,

since contraceptive pill etc, women do not need to find one partner nd do not fear the reprocusions of sex

all btw things introduced by men, women if married had to leave there jobs mans rule
women had no contraceptive a man choice

now we live in more equal choices if women dare to have sex like men there sluts, but then we are all called prudes by the men if we dont,

men put down women, and why they fear us,

if they needed to put up what we do they would die, but the control of the sexes was done by men, giving us less choice esp with sexual freedoms,

the men who call irish women sexual prudes would want to think hard about the reason why, nd there all because of rules issued by men
nd now the judgements of men

if i have one night stands to express my sexual desires im a slut even for a prudish irish woman
man does he a hero

but yet funny the forgein ladies are ever so liberated to irish men not slut at all, a double standard, nd maybe a subconcious idealism on what irish men see there own native women are, making babies nd making home,

who wants a slut raising ur kids eh