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Thread: Becoming an escort

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by DollyDarling View Post
    First of all, you dont know who I am at all. You wanted some advice and I gave it to you. Thats just the way it is in ANY job. Even if you go to a pub and ask them "excuse me can you tell me how to start up my own pub?" do you really think they are going to stop everything they are doing, and sit down with a complete stranger, and give them step by step instructions on how to compete with them?
    Now that I see you have a temper and get it fast even when noone is having a go at you... I would recommend you are NOT an escort. What man is going to want to go pay you and get a temper in return for his money? There is a phone number on this website. There is a person on the other end who answers your call. There is a form to fill out that is self explanatory on advertising. Its all there for you black and white. The only reason you would go asking like this is to be a "free loader" and of course no girl on earth will just dish out all our professional experience to a complete stranger. And how the hell do we even know you are not a fucking police man trying to figure out how to get us? Or a news reporter looking to interview for the irish Times? You have some nerve even asking here in the first place. And actually, if you look closely, you will see that Im the only escort who even bothered to answer you. We are smart you know? And yes, my smarts said to ignore you. But out of the kindness of my heart, and knowing how it was tough at the start, I decided to give you a little information, but without compromising my right to secrecy of my own expertise. The girls here worked hard to build up their reputation and professionalism. We built up our own rep and services and clientelle. You will have to do the same.

    Westside and I sometimes dont agree, but on this one, I agree 100% with his advice for you to just walk away. Unless of course you get a handle on your temper and decide to go do your own homework like the rest of us did. And no, we dont just sit around all lonely, praying that some girl will call our fone and tie up the lines by asking us all the questions under the moon.
    If by temper you mean that I stand up for myself and don't take your crap then yes I have a temper.You should of saved mine and your time by not posting anything and saving us both the unnecessary grief.Like I said before lets leave it here.

  2. #12

    Default Fair enuf. Im happy to leave it

    But its a pity you showed your true colors so soon in your not even started career.
    (That is if you are not a reporter or police man and actually are a girl looking to start up)
    Good luck. And remember men see escorts for sex not mood swings
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 13-10-08 at 09:04.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by DollyDarling View Post
    But its a pity you showed your true colors so soon in your not even started career.
    (That is if you are not a reporter or police man and actually are a girl looking to start up)
    Good luck. And remember men see escorts for sex not mood swings
    Yeah you really showed yourself in a good light, well done you,well done

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Dita, your intentions may well be good and you may well be a genuine person.

    But this is the Internet, where anonymity rules. Given that girls can get arrested (and if you're not Irish, deported) for working, you must understand that this is not the kind of profession that is easily talked about even in a public forum like this. It's not often that people come onto the forums with questions like this, and in such a security-conscious job, asking to ring an escort with questions on the life would well be viewed with some caution, so I agree with Dolly's point of view.

    Getting "the handbook" on how to be an escort on this forum simply by asking for it won't happen. There's simply no way to know for sure who/what you are.

  5. #15

    Default Nads you clever guy

    Quote Originally Posted by TheNads View Post
    Hi Dita,
    As an experienced punter I am prepared to visit you & give you a few pointers, from the man's perspective. It always helps to see the place from the other side of the fence. Thing is, if you want to take me up on this offer please do so in the next 2 days as I have a pressing procedure that will render me useless for 2 mths after that (circumcision).
    I hope that all goes well, should you go ahead. Westie & Dolly both gave good advice.

    Dita Von Tease ?
    Now thats the right way to go about getting a freeby.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    My best advice is do not do it. It will change your life forever. From the time you start, you will either be a prostitute or an ex-prostitute.
    If you are determined to proceed the easiest way to begin is to join an agency. they will take a large chunk of your earnings but they will solve the advertising and accommodation problems. It is probably the easiest way to "learn the ropes". I would guess that they would give you advice on what to do and what not to do.
    If you decide to go "independent", the biggest problem is finding the right apartment to operate from. It is relatively easy to get the right photos and place the advertisement.
    Do not work in your own home town. Go somewhere where you can be anonymous, but try to have someone that you can check in and out with, and who can raise an alarm if you do not check in and cannot be contacted. If you have any doubts about a potential client, do not see them.
    If you insist on going down this road and are thinking of working in Dublin, feel free to pm me and I will give you any local knowledge that I can.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Walk away,

    Quote Originally Posted by Dita View Post
    In your 1st post you said 'You wont find many girls willing to make more competition for themselves by giving a new girl secrets of success.' and I simply said that I could contact someone with whom I had no competition with.I'm sure there are girls out there who would like to help out someone new especially if they had no one to talk to. How dare you speak to me like that, you took what I said completely out of context.I wasn't being disrespectful.You are the person with the attitude and you are being paranoid.I don't want to get into an argument so I trust this will be our last piece of correspondence.
    I would walk away and at least think a bit longer about it love.In the sex industry you are in competition with everyone even your fellow escorts friends.The best escorts are not the toughest but the shrewdest.The best escorts are clever and ruthless,ruthless not neccessarily in a nasty sense but ruthless in a business sense.Lots of ppl ,escorts and punters alike have made the bad decision of getting involved in this business in a harmless manner.When you do it it doesnt seem so bad and hey its not really bothering you at all but with time the damage (if its coming) will happen and unfortunatly its very difficult to undo emotional damage.There are very few ppl come out the other end of the industry with the financila rewards that they envision when they first went into it.
    My advice is to wait a bit longer and make your decision later.Dont listen to anyone else.Listen to you.I say this because if you need advice it tells me two things.One you dont know about the job and two,if you didnt have a doubt ,you wouldnt be looking for advice.If im hungry ,i eat, i dont ask someones advice.

    Your your own best advisor,the trick is to listen properly,

  8. #18

    Default Dita

    Quote Originally Posted by Dita View Post
    Hi I'm completely new to this scene and I would love if any of the girls out there would let me ring them for advice.Thanks,Dita.
    Hi Dita,

    You can call me if you would like some advice. I do not see other girls as competition as each girl is different and guys do like variety. I am myself fairly new to escorting but I can tell you what I know. If you can not get threw to my phone you can text me to arrange a coffee etc..


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Thumbs up Dita

    Quote Originally Posted by Dita View Post
    Hi I'm completely new to this scene and I would love if any of the girls out there would let me ring them for advice.Thanks,Dita.
    I'm not going to patronise you about your reasons why you should or should not become an escort, you are an adult I assume and you've made a decision to become an escort ............ and if you realise in the future it's not for you then you can just stop, no harm done.
    Understandably you thought the best place to ask advise on the inner workings of becoming an escort was an escort website and you chose well as this is the biggest and most popular escort site in Ireland.

    Gemma, as a highly accopmplished and one of the most popular escorts to ever appear in Ireland, can give you all the advise you need on how to get started etc.
    I'm not sure if you need or want a punters advise but if you do then please feel free to PM me and I'll answer any questions you have to the best of my ability.

    Good luck in your new chosen career ............. whether it be a part-time or full-time career it can be financially lucrative enabling you to acquire all the things money can acquire only a lot faster than you could in most other jobs ............... and of course there is the added advantage of as much sex as you could possibly want!!!

    No boss to answer to either ..............

    You can choose your own working hours ............

    The list of positives can go on and on but I think you get the picture!!

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DollyDarling View Post
    But its a pity you showed your true colors so soon in your not even started career.
    I think you've shown your true colours in the last few days. Gemma just proved that escorts are willing to help someone new to this profession. Everyone has to start somewhere what's the harm in giving someone the benefit of your experience rather than been negative about it.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

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