I was let go 3 weeks ago decrease in demand or something been working in a factory for 2 years and I have no idea what to do next ,another factory job? which i did an interview for but i have heard nothing since thats 2 weeks now, take a stab at a completely different job?,do a work placement (work for nothing), get a job with my business degree which i never used its 4 going on 5 years now cant remember a thing, a course I looked on springboard but you need to wait and do interviews ,was looking at a IT course but there expensive or go out foreign but id shit meself at even moving to dublin haha,or a fas course haha, jus really afraid il bollock around im 28 near 30 now been afraid to do anything and end up on the dole or a shite job again and end up goin nowhere ,i just wanted to vent and talk to the the wise gurus here honestly the guys here have helped alot