Martin was getting married and the wedding day appraching quickly.However his bride to be had a real hot sister who wore skimpy tops,minis and no knickers and constantly brushed her body against him in a suggestive way.
The day before the wedding the sister calls him over to help her out with some stuff.When he got there ,the sister broke down and confessed her love for him.Since he was marrying her sister the next day ,she told him that he can have a nice shag before getting hitched.Martin stood shocked as she climbed the stairs and remarked to come to the bedroom and lets do it.Martin stood for a second and then bolted for the front door.
As soon as he got outside, all of his bride to bes family were standing there clapping and cheering.His father in law to be ,came over with streams of tears running down his eyes and clasped Martins shoulders and exclaimed in an emotional way "Martin,im very proud of you,you have past the Wedding Test and i now know that my duaghter has picked the right man for her husband.

The moral of Martins story?

Always leave your condoms in the car.
