Quote Originally Posted by lara View Post
I reckon we will see a bit of Superman v. Batman, purely because we want to see it! Batman would kick Superman's arse, and I think that at the beginning we could see that. Batman doesn't trust Superman because he's alien and has these amazing abilities that no-one understands. I reckon that, right at the beginning, they will be like teenagers, scrapping all the time, and then Lex will come in and they'll team up "I want you to remember Clark, in all the years to come, in your most private moments, I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember... the one man who beat you."
I think that's exactly where they will come from. There's been rumours and fan-boy whisperings that we might a form of the Dark Knight Returns and I think they'll borrow from it but where from there?
As for the 'push-up bra' well, the New 52 adjusted Wonder Woman's costume because they felt that with a bosom like hers, there was no way she wouldn't pop-out when engaged in combat. It wasn't practical. So, I expect her outfit to be re-designed. I liked the Amazon Armour she sported in Kingdom Come so they might introduce that but truthfully, I'm just glad they got off their arses and cast the role. They're committed now. Just don't fuck it up like they did with Green Lantern.
