Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
As everyone knows, I'm not a big fan of censorship, but some things that have been said here lately are beyond the banter getting a bit rough... They have been clearly rude, nasty, offensive etc. Over the next hour I'm goinging to be editing/deleting some recent posts that fall into this category.

Enough is enough now folks. The crazy bitching stops here. I don't expect this to become the Stepford message board where everyone is sweetly nice to everyone else all of the time, but I want the severe nastiness wave to end.

Anybody (yes, absolutely anybody including paying advertisers and the most popular and long standing posters here) who seeks to continue this crazy bitchfest of under-hand and over the top insulting of others will be going on a holiday (barred for x number of days) in the hope that a short break will allow them to calm down and come back with a better attitude.

Thank you

Better do than say... some people talk and some people do... Oh my God pat!!! I just came back and now I can't join this crazy herd and bitch around like they have been doing for a few months ??? well, if it's for the highest good I am with you on this, only if you really know what you are doing and do it right !!!!!!!

xxx besos brasileiros xxx