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Thread: The Bitching on These Boards - Be Warned Everyone

  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I don’t feel you have anything to apologize for, you strike me from your posts as a rock of sense and yes you were attacked for merely defending your good rep and also offering sound advice. Only one of two Men here that I truly trust thinks highly of you and that is enough for me.

    I am merely trying to break this cycle of tit for tat tripe by asking people to apologize rather then E-I having to ban people which I know is pointless in reality but would serve as a wake up call for all to return to what this place is for, or at least what it should be for.

    If nothing else Liz has shown and magnified what others do here behind the scenes by nefarious means, at least she has the guts to stand or fall in open forum.

    Also at least She is one of very few Escort’s who has no fear of the consequences to turnover of Her speaking Her mind here. I am in no doubt whatsoever that most if not all Escorts have to be mindful of what they post in case it ruffles the feathers of the local cock pheasants and they decide to put them out of business, She is fearless in that regard and if nothing else serves as a counterbalance to how heavily the dice are loaded against Escorts voicing their heartfelt opinions and not their politically correct replies tailored to placate hyper sensitive sensibilities.

    If I’ve learnt one thing in life it's that sometimes you have to apologize even when you are not the guilty party, it just lifts the veil of red mist that stops people from taking a step towards each other, you don’t have to mean it, or ever parley ever again, surely ye can type it from afar to people ye don’t know and move on rather then force Patricia to take the highly unusual step of even hinting of a ban which I know she is against in principle.

    This industry deals in Illusion, and is ostensibly a place to advertise and purchase fake or at least temporary affection, the much prized and sought after term GFE proves that, nothing wrong in that whatsoever as long as no one gets hurt along the way, especially Escorts, but given is fakeness surely a little more added can’t hurt, it is what the whole industry is built on, is it not……Illusion.
    I totally agree with you that tit for tat is no way forward at all and that it should all stop. I believe alot of people have refrained from posting on these threads for those very reasons.
    I disagree with you about Liz being one of the only Ladies to stand up and say things on the forum that nobody else does though there are other ladies that do voice their opinions but perhaps in a more subtle way. I refer you back to my thread quite sometime ago about the referencing system I believed Ireland was becoming a little dangerous and I decided to add references in. At the time many members put up reasonable arguements in this regard and yet I did not retaliate in a nasty way I answered in a skillful and nice way and explained myself and then basically nay person who did not agree with that system was entitled to do so however they were then just not able to meet with me that was all. That allowed people to have their own opinions and to know mine as well. Escorting as I mentioned in my reply to Anna isnt to me about faking or being an actress it is about fun and having a good time with like minded people yes to a point it is an illusion because we are acting on fantasies and escaping the real world for a certain period onto a different place. I must say that yes there are unpleasant clients sometimes all over the world though and just so there are unpleasant escorts also. It really doesnt mean that allows us to go and slander people that perhaps come from the same country etc etc its that sneaky little word generalisation again which shouldnt really be done. If I ever had anything to say I really would say it I am that type of person whether it affected meeting clients or not because really just going back to my reference thread again the people who didnt agree with it never come and see me and thats ok no hard feelings as these are choices we are all allowed to make. Yes Liz has apologized but to Gemma only she is not the only person that she has upset on these boards on her short stay here with us. I find her very entertaining though so I have no quibs if she posts lengthly posts at all.
    Again I can see where you are coming from re the apology and the ban I dont agree with this type of censorship either and for Pat to hint about it is not pleasant, however once again I have not written anything that has been terrible to Liz in any of my posts I have written one not such a nice post but it was in answer to her post where she cast the first stone therefore I will not apologise to her because as you say this is a cyber world and therefore we do not need to actually communicate with the person if we choose not to and that is the choice I have made and have followed through with. I really only join in the forum if its a post that interests me so I dont mind not contributing all the time. I would like to thank you for your respect and let you know that you have mine and just like you I wouldnt like this whole situation of arguements to continue afterall we are all here for fun and thats it. I think I have said this before there is enough disaster in the world so why create more?? xxxxx
    Will MISS you all... For those of you that will keep in touch you know how to do this.... Take Care Kisses Alyssa Jenkins xxxx

  2. #82
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by sexybabehere View Post
    I would however apologize to Liz after Liz apologizing to me if I did wish her family bad health etc but I did not..

    You in no way went to the extremes that others did, you did not go looking for a fight. Your Irish and came out swinging as only the Irish can, but you were restrained and acquitted yourself well, but please can I ask…

    Do you feel that those that did say that should publicly apologize and desist from said comments in future and if they did not apologize would you continue to wish to be an acquaintance of someone who would wish an elderly and infirm Woman dead over and over again. Would you wish to be in the intimate company, paid or unpaid of such a mindset ?.

  3. #83
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default On the Contrary he did you the 'c' word and YOU know it

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I do not condone bigpaws' previous remarks regards your mother and son in any way. He was way out of line to say those things in my opinion.

    However, I drew a line in the sand yesterday and said to everyone (and I do mean everyone as bigpaws is not the only offender) that I wanted it to stop and I would be temporarily barring those who sought to continue it from then on.

    Flypan then made a post full of foul insults, so he was temporarily barred.

    Bigpaws did say he thought you were racist and ignornant, but he didn't call you a cunt and go about saying further highly offensive things about your mother and son so far as I saw. If he had have, I would have barred him.

    What am I do to... Bar bigpaws for saying you are a racist? If I am to bar him for saying he thinks you are a racist, surely I have to then bar you for calling him a racist? Then who is next? What is the point of a discussion forum if people can't air their opinions without being barred?

    I asked people to stop airing their opinions using language like "cunt" and dragging people's families into it. I didn't ask people to stop airing their opinions full stop.

    Regards the phone number of the person who runs the show here, I'm afraid that is me. There is no higher power in this life.

    Pat x

    Tut, tut you.......... how quickly you CHOSE to forget thats just what he did call me on the poll ......... coming back to you yet Liz the Cunt Whore............. on the poll yesterday where you asterisked it out remember.


    I have no idea of the highest power but you do have a very, very selective memory - he did use that language thats just what he said, liz the cunt whore ....... now lets see how would you like a poll with : Patricia the Cunt Whore........... Did you like that.............

    So if i go around calling the Irish Paddies or as one of the gents on here said bunch of Micks that ok now as long as i dont called the men fing cunt irish....... that would be a problem but to call them micks or paddies is just fine.........

    Yes he did call myself and all the others on the poll that name and that would include Maturesasha too......... is it coming back..................YOU CUT THE POLL REMEMBER??


    He maybe one of your Clients in more ways than one but he is a pig.........i feel sorry for any woman that has his ghastly paws layed upon them........

    I and many others on here want him terminated......... thanks L

  4. #84
    Hot Lizzy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssa Jenkins View Post
    Yes I must agree with you I dont care much for faking either. On the other hand yes it is sort of an illusion as has been mentioned but I would say more of a fantasy being acted out than everything being faked. I also like you dont go that strongly on looks its alot about how I am being treated lets say someone treats you with utter disrespect you would not be having a good time, however if you get treated nicely then it goes a long way and you can give alot more of yourself that way. I agree on the hygene aspect ofcourse as well... It depends really from one person to another though how it all gels and fits though. I dont think most ladies on the site work everyday in fact I dont think I know of any even though I do not in anyway know everyone so thats not a fact just an opinion...Love you lots Anna xxx

    Alyssa you are absolutely mad if you dont think that the girls that tour dont work every day that or you are just not very savvy........the latter i would think - they are not there for their health they are there to work to live and pay their bills - always remember some of these girls have mortgages and they have to work along with the fact that some places in England are really dead - Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham etc., all the girls that are on a site called Northern Angels are off and away to Glasgow or Edinburgh...... you too are not in your native country as you too dont have the business there - which is why you are touring to........

    I know you say you have a website - which is down, not - they never come down ever - but i have etiquette on mine which states just how i wish for you to come to my home - which is freshly and i do mean freshly showered....... still you would know that - my dealings with the Touring in Irish men always start with a shower when they arrive - thats all very well and good but i prefer that they arrived clean ....... sat down for 5 minutes before they went into the bathroom and showered then got into the bedroom and did the jump on the bed number as if to say come on lets get on with it ..... that is Alien to the likes of me - wherever i have worked that never happens, not anywhere.

    Oh well you two never have to fake anything or be an actress for the job-lucky you - guessing you dont do role play then cos whats that - normal -......... no it isnt thats acting as anyone in the bizz will tell you that is truthful - sitting and talking and being polite, smiling and laughing when you are tired and can't be arsed - thats not acting - obviously you let them in - show them the bedroom and go in there and get on with the job - some of us dont.........

    Last edited by Hot Lizzy; 09-10-08 at 16:31.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssa Jenkins View Post
    I totally agree with you that tit for tat is no way forward at all and that it should all stop. I believe alot of people have refrained from posting on these threads for those very reasons.
    I disagree with you about Liz being one of the only Ladies to stand up and say things on the forum that nobody else does though there are other ladies that do voice their opinions but perhaps in a more subtle way. I refer you back to my thread quite sometime ago about the referencing system I believed Ireland was becoming a little dangerous and I decided to add references in. At the time many members put up reasonable arguements in this regard and yet I did not retaliate in a nasty way I answered in a skillful and nice way and explained myself and then basically nay person who did not agree with that system was entitled to do so however they were then just not able to meet with me that was all. That allowed people to have their own opinions and to know mine as well. Escorting as I mentioned in my reply to Anna isnt to me about faking or being an actress it is about fun and having a good time with like minded people yes to a point it is an illusion because we are acting on fantasies and escaping the real world for a certain period onto a different place. I must say that yes there are unpleasant clients sometimes all over the world though and just so there are unpleasant escorts also. It really doesnt mean that allows us to go and slander people that perhaps come from the same country etc etc its that sneaky little word generalisation again which shouldnt really be done. If I ever had anything to say I really would say it I am that type of person whether it affected meeting clients or not because really just going back to my reference thread again the people who didnt agree with it never come and see me and thats ok no hard feelings as these are choices we are all allowed to make. Yes Liz has apologized but to Gemma only she is not the only person that she has upset on these boards on her short stay here with us. I find her very entertaining though so I have no quibs if she posts lengthly posts at all.
    Again I can see where you are coming from re the apology and the ban I dont agree with this type of censorship either and for Pat to hint about it is not pleasant, however once again I have not written anything that has been terrible to Liz in any of my posts I have written one not such a nice post but it was in answer to her post where she cast the first stone therefore I will not apologise to her because as you say this is a cyber world and therefore we do not need to actually communicate with the person if we choose not to and that is the choice I have made and have followed through with. I really only join in the forum if its a post that interests me so I dont mind not contributing all the time. I would like to thank you for your respect and let you know that you have mine and just like you I wouldnt like this whole situation of arguements to continue afterall we are all here for fun and thats it. I think I have said this before there is enough disaster in the world so why create more?? xxxxx
    Hello Allysa and permit me to say that you put yourself across with effortless intelligence and common sense and punch far above your weight in terms of how little you post but in how well and mannerly it is presented when you do choose to, you are an example to us all. I know I prattle on a bit but you are a good example of less is more and you also are an example of what I feel this place can be when Escorts posit issues like the one you refereed to of references and safety. That thread is a rare example of what I feel is the value of all voicing their views and it not descending into an Eastenders wedding bust up.

    You are right that Liz also should apologize to others, but so should they, she called me a name a while back out of the blue and I had no idea who She was at the time but am not looking for an apology as it wasn’t in the league of abuse that is going on now and to be honest I get called worse on the road exercising my Horse.


    Sorry I digress, All I’m saying is that even as hostile as She can be She still made the first move, maybe if others (and there are many) dipped their toe in the arctic waters that have surrounded this place She would respond in kind. This is like nuclear brinkmanship, no one will call of the Bombers for fear of a getting nuked.

    I do not in any way mean my use of the term Illusion in a bad way. I have seen where you said you really enjoy meeting people and traveling and all that it entails and that’s what it should be all about if possible and it appeals to me greatly that there are Women who really enjoy doing this job/vocation or means to an end or whatever the case my be. I just mean that the true professional must be able to pretend to some degree as it is not possible to have the hots for every person they have an appointment with and as it is a business arrangement and the rule of customer is king applies then I assume you have to do a few ohs and ahs even though the fella is doing a passable impersonation of a whale beached at high water mark. I’m probably in a minority of one but I would rather know if I were not pushing the right buttons regardless of it being on a financial basis, and be told they were having an off day rather then put on an act. The emphasis here seems to be on what the Escort can do and what can be got for as little as possible and it’s all landed at the door of recession when it’s really only about being tight fisted and wanting it both ways.

    And you have hit the nail on the head in saying that people are all here for fun so why argue. I have shook my head more then once at the paradox of a place connected to the pursuit of pleasure is so given over to hostility, you have to ask yourself why that is as I sure as hell am stumped.

    Jesus people, Escorts, Escort and Punters, Punt why complicate things with bulls**t…

    Kind regards…Qph…

  6. #86
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post

    Tut, tut you.......... how quickly you CHOSE to forget thats just what he did call me on the poll ......... coming back to you yet Liz the Cunt Whore............. on the poll yesterday where you asterisked it out remember.


    I have no idea of the highest power but you do have a very, very selective memory - he did use that language thats just what he said, liz the cunt whore ....... now lets see how would you like a poll with : Patricia the Cunt Whore........... Did you like that.............

    So if i go around calling the Irish Paddies or as one of the gents on here said bunch of Micks that ok now as long as i dont called the men fing cunt irish....... that would be a problem but to call them micks or paddies is just fine.........

    Yes he did call myself and all the others on the poll that name and that would include Maturesasha too......... is it coming back..................YOU CUT THE POLL REMEMBER??


    He maybe one of your Clients in more ways than one but he is a pig.........i feel sorry for any woman that has his ghastly paws layed upon them........

    I and many others on here want him terminated......... thanks L
    Liz I'm well aware he called you a cunt and I'm not condoning that. But I did decide yesterday, upon looking at a great number of posts and threads, that he was one of many people who were out of line, and I warned all that I would be imposing bans if they continued, but I'm not going back in time and banning everyone who stepped out of line in the previous several days.

    Regards you voting him off, in case you haven't noticed this isn't a democracy, it's a privately owned website and what I say goes.

    And I recommend you don't start calling everyone Paddys and Micks. Why would you do that other than to offend? Coming along and calling Irish people Paddys and Micks is pretty much like calling Pakistani/Indian people Pakis or black people Gollies. Why would you do that?

    Say what you like, but show a bit of respect. That is all I'm asking of you and everyone else here.


  7. #87
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default No Aplogies to you Luv - could you make this any longer

    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssa Jenkins View Post
    I totally agree with you that tit for tat is no way forward at all and that it should all stop. I believe alot of people have refrained from posting on these threads for those very reasons.
    I disagree with you about Liz being one of the only Ladies to stand up and say things on the forum that nobody else does though there are other ladies that do voice their opinions but perhaps in a more subtle way. I refer you back to my thread quite sometime ago about the referencing system I believed Ireland was becoming a little dangerous and I decided to add references in. At the time many members put up reasonable arguements in this regard and yet I did not retaliate in a nasty way I answered in a skillful and nice way and explained myself and then basically nay person who did not agree with that system was entitled to do so however they were then just not able to meet with me that was all. That allowed people to have their own opinions and to know mine as well. Escorting as I mentioned in my reply to Anna isnt to me about faking or being an actress it is about fun and having a good time with like minded people yes to a point it is an illusion because we are acting on fantasies and escaping the real world for a certain period onto a different place. I must say that yes there are unpleasant clients sometimes all over the world though and just so there are unpleasant escorts also. It really doesnt mean that allows us to go and slander people that perhaps come from the same country etc etc its that sneaky little word generalisation again which shouldnt really be done. If I ever had anything to say I really would say it I am that type of person whether it affected meeting clients or not because really just going back to my reference thread again the people who didnt agree with it never come and see me and thats ok no hard feelings as these are choices we are all allowed to make. Yes Liz has apologized but to Gemma only she is not the only person that she has upset on these boards on her short stay here with us. I find her very entertaining though so I have no quibs if she posts lengthly posts at all.
    Again I can see where you are coming from re the apology and the ban I dont agree with this type of censorship either and for Pat to hint about it is not pleasant, however once again I have not written anything that has been terrible to Liz in any of my posts I have written one not such a nice post but it was in answer to her post where she cast the first stone therefore I will not apologise to her because as you say this is a cyber world and therefore we do not need to actually communicate with the person if we choose not to and that is the choice I have made and have followed through with. I really only join in the forum if its a post that interests me so I dont mind not contributing all the time. I would like to thank you for your respect and let you know that you have mine and just like you I wouldnt like this whole situation of arguements to continue afterall we are all here for fun and thats it. I think I have said this before there is enough disaster in the world so why create more?? xxxxx
    There is nothing nice i wish to say about this little girl as she did the strangest of things - went onto my website found one of my friends and wrote to them - she was really pissed off and why should she want to know anything from someone she doesnt even know - this girlfriend is just that -MY FRIEND.......... she comes to London and stays with me - we are more than just escort friends - we are friends that talk a minimum of once a day...... even when we go away we speak - that peed me off and rightly so - also this friend of mine could say nothing about whats what as she is it would of been the shortest reply - she knows nothing about Ireland she went there a year or so ago with a couple of friends and ;........... well she hasnt been back there again.......... leave it to you to wonder why ......... basically as she really doesnt need to tour - she is busy as she is established where she is.

    Having told lots of girls that i talk to on pm that she did this are just gob smacked and dont get it...... thats not on. Which is why i have no respect for her at all should she want to say anything she could have sent me a private message so all her saying about this that and the other are water off a ducks back - if you have something to say then say it to the person concerned - she is full of shit and back on the board cos she is coming to Ireland and needs to be seemingly a goody goody - she is just one thing - a tart without a heart........

    Another sadoe that just talks the talk but really cannot walk the walk........grow up.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    And on it goes..and on and on and on... Can we just knock this on the head and get back to the way things were.. its gotten realy boring now.

  9. #89
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default Sweetie you dont chose them - they chose you -

    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssa Jenkins View Post
    Yes I must agree with you I dont care much for faking either. On the other hand yes it is sort of an illusion as has been mentioned but I would say more of a fantasy being acted out than everything being faked. I also like you dont go that strongly on looks its alot about how I am being treated lets say someone treats you with utter disrespect you would not be having a good time, however if you get treated nicely then it goes a long way and you can give alot more of yourself that way. I agree on the hygene aspect ofcourse as well... It depends really from one person to another though how it all gels and fits though. I dont think most ladies on the site work everyday in fact I dont think I know of any even though I do not in anyway know everyone so thats not a fact just an opinion...Love you lots Anna xxx

    Back on here cos you are touring.........pathetic and whats worse its transparent to all that know you are coming back....... dont like that then tough.

    Anna i have respect for ......... you i have none.......... as far as respect goes re clients all of them are nice and polite and respectful to me, never had anyone being disrespectful to me but then people only are disrespectful if they just want to get their rocks off and shag you and that never happens to me - only once so far in Ireland and he was useless ....... well he was a Ginger........could only afford 30 minutes to thank goodness cos an hour with him would of been far to long ............

    Bye anna take care and dont be taken in by this ms jenkins she is as they say a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    Ciao xx

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon View Post
    And on it goes..and on and on and on... Can we just knock this on the head and get back to the way things were.. its gotten realy boring now.
    This will never end unless the rotten apple that is spoiling the rest of the fruit bowl is removed and SHE knows exactly who she is and exactly what she is doing??

    Damn, I’m doing the complete opposite of what is recommended to get rid of a Cyber-Troll and that’s ignore them but your not the Troll so I can forgive myself..

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