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Thread: The Bitching on These Boards - Be Warned Everyone

  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flypan View Post

    Anon163, sexybabehere, and bigpaws are all the same motherfucking bastard son of the ugliest and dirtiest bitch known to planet earth. The poor bastard is still angry with his fucking mother for having sex with men while ignoring little paws bastard, it may have been a hard childhood sure, then now bigmouth is still searching for his mother attention through the escorting business, here in the website he thinks one day will find his fucking mother and she will jump into his arms jajajajaaaaa, I mean, are you Irish people really so fucked up??? Is it the wheather or the Guiness to blame for???? And he thinks of himself as having a strong personality , maybe he didn't really meet a real man yet, or maybe all those men he saw through his childhood coming out of his fucking mother bedroom have made him so weak and so desperate that he has to act and play the role of the strong personality type

    Fuking Irish Herd...
    Oh dear Flypan. You wrote to me only yesterday pointing out this shit was out of hand and I had to do something about it, and you were right... But now you are writing the shit yourself!?! I am sure you are only joking, but your post is full of foul language and insults and I made it clear I was banning people who posted that shit from now on.

    Unfortunately I have no choice now but to sent you on holiday

    However I'm only going to make you take a day trip to Holyhead (24 hours, you're on the slow ferry).


    Pat x

  2. #72
    Hot Lizzy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    You are a racist ..........
    You are ignorant ................
    Report me saying that ...........
    See what happens ..................


    Do tell what is going to happen you pathetic bully ......... go play in the playground with some of your pathetic gutless friends...... no balls - you are ignorant, you are a racist as has been read about your thoughts on the Americans etc., you are just shit on my shoe.

    You should watch your back sweetie cos you are not liked.......may need to change your persona AGAIN.......... you afterall have so many now dont you dick head.

    You are reported not just by me love....... too many p.m. me and tell me they have reported you so what you gonna do about that .... go pick on someone your own size cos you dont scare me one little are just a pathetic little boy with a nasy mouth.

  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    West is a terrible (no offence west, I just call them how I see them) nomination for a community moderator, he is weakness personified and couldn't handle a lesser site so would be completely overwhelmed here ................
    I actually disagree. I think West is a decent fellow and that's what we need in community mods. Ok, he's a bit nutty, but aren't we all? However he appears to have left town now

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssa Jenkins View Post
    Just like Gemma I dont feel that I need to apologise at all. Basically I never began attacking Liz in fact I firstly defended Gemma and merely warned Liz that it wasnt good the way she was going on and all.... Anyhow I was also attacked and it was applied that I was lying about myself and my website which was never down etc etc. I eventually after countless slaggins off and countless times of being rediculed retaliated as I needed to defend my credibility that Liz was trying to put into question. After all this Liz went on and tried to make it look like I was writting obscene or horrid things about Ireland when once again the message I sent her friend was just to warn her that she was going over the top. I myself expect Liz may lay into me again after all of this but thats ok as I wont respond to negative threads anymore as I have not been doing for awhile. So I must say that I agree that never have I seen so many angry people posting before until Liz started posting I think all that just brought the worst out in all of us. I am quite a calm and quiet person and I was even raging after one of the posts. So hopefully that now this has happened we can all just LOVE EACH OTHER!!!!

    I don’t feel you have anything to apologize for, you strike me from your posts as a rock of sense and yes you were attacked for merely defending your good rep and also offering sound advice. Only one of two Men here that I truly trust thinks highly of you and that is enough for me.

    I am merely trying to break this cycle of tit for tat tripe by asking people to apologize rather then E-I having to ban people which I know is pointless in reality but would serve as a wake up call for all to return to what this place is for, or at least what it should be for.

    If nothing else Liz has shown and magnified what others do here behind the scenes by nefarious means, at least she has the guts to stand or fall in open forum.

    Also at least She is one of very few Escort’s who has no fear of the consequences to turnover of Her speaking Her mind here. I am in no doubt whatsoever that most if not all Escorts have to be mindful of what they post in case it ruffles the feathers of the local cock pheasants and they decide to put them out of business, She is fearless in that regard and if nothing else serves as a counterbalance to how heavily the dice are loaded against Escorts voicing their heartfelt opinions and not their politically correct replies tailored to placate hyper sensitive sensibilities.

    If I’ve learnt one thing in life it's that sometimes you have to apologize even when you are not the guilty party, it just lifts the veil of red mist that stops people from taking a step towards each other, you don’t have to mean it, or ever parley ever again, surely ye can type it from afar to people ye don’t know and move on rather then force Patricia to take the highly unusual step of even hinting of a ban which I know she is against in principle.

    This industry deals in Illusion, and is ostensibly a place to advertise and purchase fake or at least temporary affection, the much prized and sought after term GFE proves that, nothing wrong in that whatsoever as long as no one gets hurt along the way, especially Escorts, but given is fakeness surely a little more added can’t hurt, it is what the whole industry is built on, is it not……Illusion.

  5. #75
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default He has said nothing in the gendre of YOUR FRIEND Big Baws

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    Oh dear Flypan. You wrote to me only yesterday pointing out this shit was out of hand and I had to do something about it, and you were right... But now you are writing the shit yourself!?! I am sure you are only joking, but your post is full of foul language and insults and I made it clear I was banning people who posted that shit from now on.

    Unfortunately I have no choice now but to sent you on holiday

    However I'm only going to make you take a day trip to Holyhead (24 hours, you're on the slow ferry).


    Pat x

    He can say what he likes about the irish - he is Irish - I cannot as i am English - so if he has to go then why isn't Paws going with him.......... You need to tell me that Pat cos to be as offensive as he is ........ well has your mother not died yet - this poll finishes when Liz's mother dies - your mother must be spinning in her WARM grave having your for a whore for a daughter and a bastard for a grandson.......... now you tell me - where is the justice in the man you are probably friends with and see as a Client possibly lying here ........

    There is no justice ......... you dont think that reading all the shit on here about i love you lizzy and all that is worthy of keeping on this board.........

    You are getting rid of him cos he has balls - he doesnt like what he reads and neither do a lot of people on here, you still do nothing about it though do you Pat........

    Please give me the telephone no of the people that actually run this company as i would like to know where they stand on those remarks ........... they are the lowest of the low and you and i both know it........

    Number would be good as i will for sure be calling ......... its not acceptable to rid one and not the other......... he is a racist to dont forget - still he can say what he likes about the girls around the world now can he not .......No he jolly well cannot....... if he can't take it he should not dish it........ the man if he is that, is a bully big time which is only one step away from a wife beater in most peoples books and sometime psycological torture is worse than physical.


  6. #76
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default Its all about Acting - sometimes the act is easier than others

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I don’t feel you have anything to apologize for, you strike me from your posts as a rock of sense and yes you were attacked for merely defending your good rep and also offering sound advice. Only one of two Men here that I truly trust thinks highly of you and that is enough for me.

    I am merely trying to break this cycle of tit for tat tripe by asking people to apologize rather then E-I having to ban people which I know is pointless in reality but would serve as a wake up call for all to return to what this place is for, or at least what it should be for.

    If nothing else Liz has shown and magnified what others do here behind the scenes by nefarious means, at least she has the guts to stand or fall in open forum.

    Also at least She is one of very few Escort’s who has no fear of the consequences to turnover of Her speaking Her mind here. I am in no doubt whatsoever that most if not all Escorts have to be mindful of what they post in case it ruffles the feathers of the local cock pheasants and they decide to put them out of business, She is fearless in that regard and if nothing else serves as a counterbalance to how heavily the dice are loaded against Escorts voicing their heartfelt opinions and not their politically correct replies tailored to placate hyper sensitive sensibilities.

    If I’ve learnt one thing in life it's that sometimes you have to apologize even when you are not the guilty party, it just lifts the veil of red mist that stops people from taking a step towards each other, you don’t have to mean it, or ever parley ever again, surely ye can type it from afar to people ye don’t know and move on rather then force Patricia to take the highly unusual step of even hinting of a ban which I know she is against in principle.

    This industry deals in Illusion, and is ostensibly a place to advertise and purchase fake or at least temporary affection, the much prized and sought after term GFE proves that, nothing wrong in that whatsoever as long as no one gets hurt along the way, especially Escorts, but given is fakeness surely a little more added can’t hurt, it is what the whole industry is built on, is it not……Illusion.
    Don't bother it all goes on deaf ears on here, when people say things about certain people of different countries for example : How the Poles make jokes about the Russian and visa versa........ The Americans take the piss out of the Canadians - god knows why but they do the Irish are taken the piss out of to - so - those on this board need to get a grip its not said maliciously - its meant as a joke - but you are without a doubt without a sense of humour of have a grip on what goes on outside your need to.

    The whole business of being an escort is who is the best actress - when you have a good looking client then somehow the job in question is so much easier, which makes sense cos how many of you guys would go see a dog for an escort - i would love it if all my clients were Brad Pitts - they aren't but the regular Clients are easy too - why cos you know what they like and visa versa - Its all one big act and if you disagree - which none of you girls will cos ........ you aint got the balls to write on here for the above reasons....... you are so wrong, oh so wrong - since all this stuff started i have had so many calls to come to Ireland cos they love the way i dont want to see men bully other women - so think again you will not lose business.

    Anyway, from what i have seen of the tourist they go the length and bredth of the country so they should be loaded by now anyway - mind some girls can manage to see more than others - myself if i tour i see no more than 4/5 a day - sometimes not even that - if i am doing an over night or dinner date i do not bother to work that day - in London i dont work every day out of choice.......i like to have some me time as its a hard job it really is.

    This site is grossly unfair in its now banning of flypan and nobody else on here that has been endlessly on my back and on other girls backs to........ so now i say i want the no of the head of the office to report him forthwith.

    You mean well but like i said, it falls on deaf ears cos they only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear........ignorance is bliss - i just wish i were as ignorant.


  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    Poles make jokes about the Russian
    They can try,as i m partially one of them. I knew everyone making jokes about poles not the other way around.

    The whole business of being an escort is who is the best actress
    Liz,i never fake.

    - when you have a good looking client then somehow the job in question is so much easier, which makes sense cos how many of you guys would go see a dog for an escort - i would love it if all my clients were Brad Pitts - they aren't but the regular Clients are easy too - why cos you know what they like and visa versa - Its all one big act and if you disagree - which none of you girls will cos ........ you aint got the balls to write on here for the above reasons....... you are so wrong, oh so wrong - since all this stuff started i have had so many calls to come to Ireland cos they love the way i dont want to see men bully other women - so think again you will not lose business.
    Liz,let me put here my 2nd opinion.
    I do not choose guys by look,i care they dont stink,dont have cheesy cocks,and have good teeth higiene.

    - in London i dont work every day out of choice......
    i dont work every day in general
    Liz,i still love you

    Always Anna
    I m still lurking sometimes ;-)

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    He can say what he likes about the irish - he is Irish - I cannot as i am English - so if he has to go then why isn't Paws going with him.......... You need to tell me that Pat cos to be as offensive as he is ........ well has your mother not died yet - this poll finishes when Liz's mother dies - your mother must be spinning in her WARM grave having your for a whore for a daughter and a bastard for a grandson.......... now you tell me - where is the justice in the man you are probably friends with and see as a Client possibly lying here ........

    There is no justice ......... you dont think that reading all the shit on here about i love you lizzy and all that is worthy of keeping on this board.........

    You are getting rid of him cos he has balls - he doesnt like what he reads and neither do a lot of people on here, you still do nothing about it though do you Pat........

    Please give me the telephone no of the people that actually run this company as i would like to know where they stand on those remarks ........... they are the lowest of the low and you and i both know it........

    Number would be good as i will for sure be calling ......... its not acceptable to rid one and not the other......... he is a racist to dont forget - still he can say what he likes about the girls around the world now can he not .......No he jolly well cannot....... if he can't take it he should not dish it........ the man if he is that, is a bully big time which is only one step away from a wife beater in most peoples books and sometime psycological torture is worse than physical.

    I do not condone bigpaws' previous remarks regards your mother and son in any way. He was way out of line to say those things in my opinion.

    However, I drew a line in the sand yesterday and said to everyone (and I do mean everyone as bigpaws is not the only offender) that I wanted it to stop and I would be temporarily barring those who sought to continue it from then on.

    Flypan then made a post full of foul insults, so he was temporarily barred.

    Bigpaws did say he thought you were racist and ignornant, but he didn't call you a cunt and go about saying further highly offensive things about your mother and son so far as I saw. If he had have, I would have barred him.

    What am I do to... Bar bigpaws for saying you are a racist? If I am to bar him for saying he thinks you are a racist, surely I have to then bar you for calling him a racist? Then who is next? What is the point of a discussion forum if people can't air their opinions without being barred?

    I asked people to stop airing their opinions using language like "cunt" and dragging people's families into it. I didn't ask people to stop airing their opinions full stop.

    Regards the phone number of the person who runs the show here, I'm afraid that is me. There is no higher power in this life.

    Pat x

  9. #79

    Default Faking doesnt do it for me either Anna

    Quote Originally Posted by annasavicha View Post
    They can try,as i m partially one of them. I knew everyone making jokes about poles not the other way around.

    Liz,i never fake.

    Liz,let me put here my 2nd opinion.
    I do not choose guys by look,i care they dont stink,dont have cheesy cocks,and have good teeth higiene.

    i dont work every day in general
    Liz,i still love you

    Always Anna
    Yes I must agree with you I dont care much for faking either. On the other hand yes it is sort of an illusion as has been mentioned but I would say more of a fantasy being acted out than everything being faked. I also like you dont go that strongly on looks its alot about how I am being treated lets say someone treats you with utter disrespect you would not be having a good time, however if you get treated nicely then it goes a long way and you can give alot more of yourself that way. I agree on the hygene aspect ofcourse as well... It depends really from one person to another though how it all gels and fits though. I dont think most ladies on the site work everyday in fact I dont think I know of any even though I do not in anyway know everyone so thats not a fact just an opinion...Love you lots Anna xxx
    Will MISS you all... For those of you that will keep in touch you know how to do this.... Take Care Kisses Alyssa Jenkins xxxx

  10. #80
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up God finally reveals herself

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post

    Regards the phone number of the person who runs the show here, I'm afraid that is me. There is no higher power in this life.

    Pat x
    Patricia I always suspected it, but now I finally have the proof I need. So this one is just for you, my Goddess

    Eu te amo meu Deus

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