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Thread: The Bitching on These Boards - Be Warned Everyone

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Cool Qph

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    Listen little man, when is it going to sink into your cast iron noggin that I am not playimg your little mind fuck games. I am a grown man and been fending for myself since 13, not a vulnerable Woman. I have been dealing with the likes of you all my life so you do not even cause me a moments thought in how to deal with you, your post is designed to get me to give away more on what you did to that poor Woman so that you fulfill your wish to cause her more hardship. I will only tell what you to her on several fronts if she gives me permission to, and will not contribute to a feeding frenzy. The people who I care what they think of me know the full picture.

    I am immune to your standard operating procedure of blackmailing people because I have and never will be with an Escort so you cannot pick up snippets from that source and you cannot paint me as you do others as having a fixation on any Escort as I have been asked by several to meet and declined to do so to date.

    I like these Women for how strong they are to do at times such a dangerous job, how dare you make their job even more dangerous by doing what I and others know you did and have the gaul to claim to be the comforter to the very person you brought this on. You are in a position to do so because you choose you victim well, they are very sensitive and wish only to be left in peace so you are free to say what you want and they will not challenge you.

    You did much the same to Naomi, she though cannot be intimidated, I also have documentary evidence supplied by your hand also to me by PM.

    I will forward that to Naomi if she so wishes

    I may well post the whole sorry saga as you did if you recall contact me extensivly before, during and after that. I would not have my hands tied behind my back in this case because she is much tougher. I wish to make some small recompense to her for siding with a boy of questionable morality that I now know you to be but did not know then, but I decide if I do, not you.
    I was going to post a reply to you ................ but the lady herself dealt with you much better than I ever could.

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
    America as a ppl fine but as a nation?Not so sure about that.

    Making up an imaginary enemy (Al Queda actually didnt even exist),blowing up the twin towers (it was a controlled demolition brought them down) and then invading a nation claiming to be for world peace despite finding no WMDs and then destroying world peace and damaging world ecomony (including your own) all for the supply of???????????Ah yes oil.

    The Souel Olympics,the banning and disgracing of Ben Johnson for using a low potent steriod called Stanozol while the so called natural winner ,Carl Lewis was injecting testosterone,the most potent injectable going.

    The arming and training of Osama Bin Laden and the supplying of weaponry to him and then turning on him.

    The invasion of the Taliban in Afganistan because of a dispute over money to be paid to allow America to put an oil pipline through Afganistan and into the Caspian Sea (if this is the correct sea).

    The lying of putting a man on the moon.Shadows were clearly seen on then snaps and the flag was blowing??????

    The murder of one of the great US men (Kennedy) by US secret service as a result of his attitude to the Cuban Crisis and the setting up of a perfectly innocent man for his murder eresulting in two more connected deaths.(Oswald and Ruby)

    The constant encouragement of Isreali troops to keep the pressure down on Palistine all in the while having no probs invading Iraq for much much less.

    The screwing of the american electorate by the republican party (Gore in Florida)

    I could go on.

    America the beautiful?Me dont think so,
    Dont forget the illegal blockade of Cuba a country which could teach us a thing or two about a national health service
    The 911 attacks perpatrated by their own people dont believe me? look at the aftermath of the pentagon attack wheres the wreckage? a few pieces here and there thats all. Everthing on these aircarft was obliberated except the hijackers passports yeah right
    Drop One Keep One To Glory

  3. #183


    Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
    America as a ppl fine but as a nation?Not so sure about that.

    Making up an imaginary enemy (Al Queda actually didnt even exist),blowing up the twin towers (it was a controlled demolition brought them down) and then invading a nation claiming to be for world peace despite finding no WMDs and then destroying world peace and damaging world ecomony (including your own) all for the supply of???????????Ah yes oil.

    The Souel Olympics,the banning and disgracing of Ben Johnson for using a low potent steriod called Stanozol while the so called natural winner ,Carl Lewis was injecting testosterone,the most potent injectable going.

    The arming and training of Osama Bin Laden and the supplying of weaponry to him and then turning on him.

    The invasion of the Taliban in Afganistan because of a dispute over money to be paid to allow America to put an oil pipline through Afganistan and into the Caspian Sea (if this is the correct sea).

    The lying of putting a man on the moon.Shadows were clearly seen on then snaps and the flag was blowing??????

    The murder of one of the great US men (Kennedy) by US secret service as a result of his attitude to the Cuban Crisis and the setting up of a perfectly innocent man for his murder eresulting in two more connected deaths.(Oswald and Ruby)

    The constant encouragement of Isreali troops to keep the pressure down on Palistine all in the while having no probs invading Iraq for much much less.

    The screwing of the american electorate by the republican party (Gore in Florida)

    I could go on.

    America the beautiful?Me dont think so,
    Sorry, did you mistake me as being somebody who could change any of that? What the hell is that post about? Did anyone go on and on about some negative things about you or your country? Should I tell you what torture your country caused a tourist who was a harp player who sang Shanose, rowed Clew bay in a Curragh, looking for baby seagull nests? Or will someone like to talk about the North of Ireland versus the south of Ireland versus England versus Scotland versus France.... You are as bad as her for judging a country as a whole. Have you even visited America? Do you even know what the people talk about or care about? Your little news/history report has nothing to do with me or the people I live beside. You want to complain or post about that, tell it to someone who can change it, or could have prevented it. Don't disrespect me or plenty of other good people who just happen to have been born in a red/white/blue territory. Arn't you lucky that you were dropped out of your mother on Irish soil. Arn't you lucky you were not dropped out of your mother on American soil. And arn't I unlucky I wasn't dropped out of my mother in an Irish bog. Wouldn't it be nice to not get these fucked up posts by westside, like its my fault Bush fucked up the world. Wouldn't it be nice if I was making Irish lace up in Omagh, instead of getting my ass fucked in the city where the twin towers fell, and having grown men cry on my shoulders as they fuck my ass, and tell me about how their son jumped out those buildings and exploded on the pavement. Yes my ass is getting fucked while he is crying all over my back. Nice Westide, feel like getting a bit more heartless? So get over your cold hearted self, and grow some compassion. Do you think one of Dolly's brilliant blowjobs could've stopped Bush from fucking things up? No, sorry lad, but your complaining to the wrong Dolly
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 12-10-08 at 10:35.

  4. #184
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Westie, every great empire in human history did the same thing in its own way - you don't make an empire by having a chat about it, you do it by obliterating any fucker standing in front of you. Propaganda was used by the ancient Romans and conspiracy theories have been around since that Neanderthal in the next cave was only made Big Chief because he's mates with the tribal shaman. Humanity itself has a rotten core.

    Endlessly pointing out the failures of their own country to Americans is like continually berating the Germans about the Holocaust or the Brits about Northern Ireland, (or all you morons out there who continually vote for Fianna Fail). Most of them probably wish it wasn't so, but hey - we're all just trying to make a living at the end of the day, right?

    By the way, the American flag on the Moon is straight because there was a bar placed sideways behind it to keep it so

  5. #185

    Default The more I know you paws

    The more I am nodding my head in agreement with what you say.

    {"This is the ramblings of a man-child ................... you have actually posted paranoid conspiracy theories like they were facts!!!!!!

    Westside for moderator???? Great idea!!!!

    Last edited by DollyDarling; 12-10-08 at 10:59.

  6. #186

    Default Well said

    Quote Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post
    Westie, every great empire in human history did the same thing in its own way - you don't make an empire by having a chat about it, you do it by obliterating any fucker standing in front of you. Propaganda was used by the ancient Romans and conspiracy theories have been around since that Neanderthal in the next cave was only made Big Chief because he's mates with the tribal shaman. Humanity itself has a rotten core.

    Endlessly pointing out the failures of their own country to Americans is like continually berating the Germans about the Holocaust or the Brits about Northern Ireland, (or all you morons out there who continually vote for Fianna Fail). Most of them probably wish it wasn't so, but hey - we're all just trying to make a living at the end of the day, right?

    By the way, the American flag on the Moon is straight because there was a bar placed sideways behind it to keep it so
    Nice to hear someone talking sense. x Dolly

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Sorry

    Quote Originally Posted by DollyDarling View Post
    Sorry, did you mistake me as being somebody who could change any of that? What the hell is that post about? Did anyone go on and on about some negative things about you or your country? Should I tell you what torture your country caused a tourist who was a harp player who sang Shanose, rowed Clew bay in a Curragh, looking for baby seagull nests? Or will someone like to talk about the North of Ireland versus the south of Ireland versus England versus Scotland versus France.... You are as bad as her for judging a country as a whole. Have you even visited America? Do you even know what the people talk about or care about? Your little news/history report has nothing to do with me or the people I live beside. You want to complain or post about that, tell it to someone who can change it, or could have prevented it. Don't disrespect me or plenty of other good people who just happen to have been born in a red/white/blue territory. Arn't you lucky that you were dropped out of your mother on Irish soil. Arn't you lucky you were not dropped out of your mother on American soil. And arn't I unlucky I wasn't dropped out of my mother in an Irish bog. Wouldn't it be nice to not get these fucked up posts by westside, like its my fault Bush fucked up the world. Wouldn't it be nice if I was making Irish lace up in Omagh, instead of getting my ass fucked in the city where the twin towers fell, and having grown men cry on my shoulders as they fuck my ass, and tell me about how their son jumped out those buildings and exploded on the pavement. Yes my ass is getting fucked while he is crying all over my back. Nice Westide, feel like getting a bit more heartless? So get over your cold hearted self, and grow some compassion. Do you think one of Dolly's brilliant blowjobs could've stopped Bush from fucking things up? No, sorry lad, but your complaining to the wrong Dolly
    Im not reading all that.Maybe later.

    Too tired now,

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default And where did i say that

    Quote Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post
    Westie, every great empire in human history did the same thing in its own way - you don't make an empire by having a chat about it, you do it by obliterating any fucker standing in front of you. Propaganda was used by the ancient Romans and conspiracy theories have been around since that Neanderthal in the next cave was only made Big Chief because he's mates with the tribal shaman. Humanity itself has a rotten core.

    Endlessly pointing out the failures of their own country to Americans is like continually berating the Germans about the Holocaust or the Brits about Northern Ireland, (or all you morons out there who continually vote for Fianna Fail). Most of them probably wish it wasn't so, but hey - we're all just trying to make a living at the end of the day, right?

    By the way, the American flag on the Moon is straight because there was a bar placed sideways behind it to keep it so
    every great empire in human history was right to do that?Also,

    Hitler is dead and was never repeated.
    The Roman empire is dead and was never repeated although Hitler tried.
    The British Empire is dead and was never repeated.
    America on the other hand goes on and on and on and on and on..............

    Here we have the apparent greatest nation in the world slowly but surely destroying world peace,world economy and world resourses.You even say yourself that we are all only trying to make a living at the end of the day but those very same livings are being destroyed.They talk about the red white and blue and then take away the very thing that they go by "Land of the Free".They take that very thing,freedom from ppl all over the globe.Im not anti american.Im not anti anything but im only calling the shots as i see them as presented by the american nation itself.

    If America is so great then come back to me when they have cured cancer and aids.
    Come back to me when they contributed to world peace.
    Come back to me when they have solved world hunger.
    Come back to me when alot of their very own ppl are living in trailer parks in poor conditions while the flithy rich get fithly richer ends.

    All the time we have America this great nation so i ask where are the great things that have being done?Sorry all i can see is a load of destruction of global relations which again brings me back to my origonal point, a point not picked up my Dolly,that America the beautiful is not all that beautiful at all.


  9. #189
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default On the high horse again,

    Quote Originally Posted by DollyDarling View Post
    The more I am nodding my head in agreement with what you say.

    {"This is the ramblings of a man-child ................... you have actually posted paranoid conspiracy theories like they were facts!!!!!!

    Westside for moderator???? Great idea!!!!


  10. #190
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Do you want to hear a funny joke?

    Quote Originally Posted by DollyDarling View Post
    Can you not read for yourself what you wrote here? Is it any wonder i was scared of you when you called me and talked for 1 hour on the phone, asking me to give you my name and tell you my past? Just a phone call out of the blue, asking for private info and warning me of dreadful things to come? And I just opened my eyes from a long restful sleep, to be drilled with this drama...
    You were freaking out. I wasn't freaking out. As its content was not true, it only would've started a rumour, and we all know that this website just loves to spread rumours... but we take the rumours with a grain of salt anyway. Thats why people like this site, they are drama-seekers.
    Let this rest. Maybe he did write it. But who cares! I dont care! Why wont you accept this? I dont fucking care if he wrote it or not. I just want you all to stop talking in riddles and always making unneccesary drama. If you want to worry about something, try worrying about how painful it is if you dont get enough LUBE up the asshole before doing greek. Or having to suck a cock and look down to the most disgusting toenails that ever walked the earth. Or kissing a mouth with blackened teeth, or an asshole with toilet paper stuck in the hole. Ok, so you dont see escorts. So you are not in my world. And you suffered in the past in certain ways, and we are all very sorry to know you suffered. But relax! As I am not getting upset when my ass is fucked with not enuf lube, and Im not freaking when I have to wipe a man's ass like he is a baby. Life can be hard, and life can be fucking brilliant. Sometimes circumstances are outside our control, but after its finished.... then its up to you to decide if you will become bad or good, strong or weak, balanced or unstable...
    Let it go. Just let it all fucking go. Do it for yourself. Do it for E-I. Just enjoy life and forget tragedy. Tragedy only exists if you give it power. You dont need to suffer. You dont need to save the world. Do you just like to keep stirring the drama batter? Let it bake! Bake and eat it and be done with it.

    I have no problem, no issue with you OR paws. Why cant you two just kiss and make up. Fuck this, its like being in the Twilight Zone, and no one wants to leave. Do you all like to act so much like those "dramatic" black holes in space that suck energy and life into them?
    This thread was started by Patricia to get us to stop bitching, and now we're bitching about everything under the sun. I hate to miss a party, so I'd love to do a little bitching of my own.

    Firstly, I'm not greatly enamoured by the good ole US of A or Americans in general. America to me, represents a lot of what is wrong in the world today; might is right, greed is good, our way is the only way and our standard of living must be protected at the expense of everybody else in the world. If 2000 years ago, in the God v Caeser debate, the Roman empire represented Ceasar, than today it is America. Pick up a dollar note and you will read on it "In God We Trust". That is because the American system is built upon, and many Americans worship the worst excesses of free market capitalism and avarice.

    Secondly, forget Flypan, Fly Person, Flyshit or Fly... whatever you are called; George W. Bush is the biggest idiot on the planet ( Ele e um gringo burro). As Chavez says "You are a donkey, Mr. Danger."

    So being a left-leaning, cachaca swigging, bohemian type of hombre, I generally don't find that I have much in common with the Yanks. But I also like to think, that I'm still a wee bit open-minded. Long ago, I took a holy oath on "Das Kapital", The Communist Manifesto and the Red Flag that I would never shag with a Yank. However, some events, some recent, some not so recent, have caused me to question my oath:

    Bill Gates's multi-billion contributions to charitable foundations. (Unlike Saint Bono and Sir Bob it was all his own money)
    Paul Newman (RIP) ditto as for Bill Gates.
    Barack Obama. He ain't perfect by any means, but if he can beat McCain/Palin and translate rhetoric into action, then the planet may yet have a future.

    And DollyDarling. Without doubt, one of the ballsiest, most out-spoken and funniest individuals to have graced this site. Dolly, I think I recognise a kindred spirit in you. Your writings are as off the wall and wackey as my own. Forget escorting Dolly, if you and I worked together as a creative team, Woody Allen would be history. But if you decide to continue escorting, then here's your first booking for your next tour. And don't be worried about the lube Dolly......I fully understand that situation and purchase the stuff wholesale (by the bucket load) down at the local hardware and agricultural suppliers. That tractor axle grease would lube a sperm whale. I'd love to shove a quart of it up George W.'s ass and let the third world have a go.

    So, time being short and I do still have a three day out-call to prepare for (I'm packing plenty of Lube Dolly), let me just clarify matters for all and sundry:

    I am generally not enamoured by Yanks

    but I love Dolly Darling

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