So I have just had a call for a booking for 90 minutes of my time. The number that the guy called me from is completely useless as it doesn't receive texts and the line goes dead when you try to ring it.

He may aswell have called me from a private number. I need to be able to communicate with my client up until our booking for various different reasons.

So I would like to cancel his appointment and offer it to someone else should they ask for it.

Do you think I am right to do so? Then if the client is genuine and rings me, is it fair to tell him that as he called me from a number I couldn't contact him on that I assumed he wasn't coming so therefor I am no longer available?

I know its not ideal but what else is there to do?

Gents how would you feel if this happened to you?

I am not in the habit of cancelling peoples appointment unless good reason, it wouldn't be in my best interest as an escort to operate in that way but I feel I've no other choice.

He is essentially taking up 2 and a half hours of my time, shower time before then the 90 mins then shower time afterwards.
