Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
it is possible yes but it really boils down to the person and what there interpretation of falling in love is and keeping things in perspective.Personally i find that most guys that get involved with escorts take the whole thing out of context completely and persecute the girl (in fact a lot of guys generally do this with all women).Women like no pressure and they also like a guy thats in control of himself and behaves accordingly.Not only that but a guy that understands and this is espeicially important in terms of an escort.The girl is going to have appointments ,she is going to be tired,she is going to have days when she is off form.This isnt her fault and goes with the territory and its down to the guy to understand this.Women like a confident self controlled guy.Does a guy that bombardes her ,watches her,questions her, is wondering about who she is with or what she is up to ,does this sound like a self controlled ,confident guy?Sure is doesnt.

A guy getting involved for whatever reason with an escort needs to understand these things and needs to give the girl her space when she needs it.Me, i take all women which a pinch of salt initially.I just dont get serious unless it leads to that and only both parties understand when this is.A lot of guys are unrealistic too.These women work at this for a living.They are not suddenly going to down tools,shut shop and frolic off into the sunset with a guy.Not going to happen.

Where most guys fuck up and i see it time and time again is they just cant step back and let a women be,not just an escort but any woman.They freak if she is meeting another guy,they freak if she doesnt respond the way he wants her too,they freak because initially they (the guy) took the whole thing out of context, overdid the contatcing and then felt used or hurt when nothing happens.

So my approach.If a guy and a girl like each other then fine,but fun first and seriousness later when you arrive at that bridge.Oh and one other thing ,plenty women like a one night stand sort of thing too.Just because a woman (again women generally here) kisses a guy ,sleeps with him or whatever,it doesnt mean she is looking for awedding ring,a long term relationship etc etc but again this is where a guys confidence comes in.

One small step at a time,
Mature Westside Of Wolverhampton.
Thank you, that is good advice