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Thread: wrecking my head

  1. #11
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default Ya pays ya money and ya takes your choice

    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    Lady Lizzy, it's always a great honour when you grace us mere Irish bog savages with a piece of your infinite wisdom.

    Natalie, does indeed have a right to reply to an unfavourable review and to contest it's veracity with the administrators. IF it is deemed spurious, a RAT is put beside the review and Patricia or Sarah may add a comment.

    However, in this case as Natalie has received only 3 reviews and all of them are bad, I dont think there would be much in contesting them. Two of these reviews happen to be from Zoobanzoo (second highest reviewer) and Hman (another well known reviewer), so when these guys say that the pictures are false, the girl was'nt good looking, the service was shite and the kip itself was a dump, then the Good Lord himself would'nt bother and try to contradict these experts in the field.

    Lizzy I can understand why you might not like bad reviews, but it's our money at the end of the day, and a negative review from a well respected member can prevent other members from wasting their hard earned dosh on a substandard service.

    Indeed Lizzy, it's not a nice thing to have to write a bad review on somebody, but then being ripped off by a con artist aint all that nice either.


    The guy may or may not of seen the reviews, i would imagine being Ireland that he had as you deem them so important - well boo hoo his boo boo - personally if someone was to write me a bad review i would contest it - IF I THOUGHT IT WERE UNFAIR - WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULDN'T - I ADMITTED IN MINE THAT I MADE MORE FUSS OF THE DOG THAN HIM - AND BOY AM I EVER GLAD I DID - HE WAS PANTS

    1) Would i see him again - NO
    2) Would i recommend him - NO
    3) Did he look as nice as he sounded - NO


    Thems girls like me that will write just all those things on my website - and the person will never know it is them - why cos im no idiot - although you lot seem to think that we all are we aren't - the guy in my case was a first class tosser and i dont care, he paid his money and he didn't have a great time although for 97 Euros what did he want - Cheryl Cole.......derrrrrrrrr you get what you pay for hun and theres an end to it - and you know what it makes not a jot of difference that Jessie and i like sharp dressed men you don't give a toss - would love it if you were escorts and we were punters turned up smelling bad and cigarette breath, greasy hair.........NOT NICE............
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  2. #12
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default In Part i Agree

    Quote Originally Posted by Alyssa Jenkins View Post
    I must say I tend to agree with the clients on this one. Nobody likes a bad review however we all get one at times and yes we have the opportunity to have a rebuttal put in which is treated fairly. Just the same as captain69 where I to have many reviews Lizzy. I dont think there is an escort in history that has never had a bad review. Also agree that the two reviewers are well known on the site so the reviews are most certainly not just made up they are genuine. I believe sometimes this does happen and that people may write a bad review out of spite but in this instance I believe it looks like it is not the case in fact Im quite convinced of this. The whole review system is not based on contributions of positivity only it is a system which is there in order to as piggi states perhaps save other people the trouble of visiting a bad escort unfortunatly as you say if there is nothing good to say dont say it well that just wouldnt make it fair for the guys at all because just like critics review a film or a resturant when you put yourself up to be reviewed at least expect some critisism and at very least truthfulness. I support the review system as it gives an outline to people of what they can expect and all of that Im sure Lizzy you have noticed on captain69 not all reviews are positive and pretty much that is on any review site in the world or else it would make the whole review system quite pointless I daresay. Just thought that I would add my little two cents here xxxx

    I dont see men that do reviews if i can help it - as they are usually nutters........

    Anyway........ the two girls in question are anna-aroma and sweet petite - amber - both these ladies didnt see this client and he wrote them the most awful reviews and neither had seen him - to me thats just dangerous.........but then i think that to need to have a reference from a Client coming to see you - whats that all do have to be joking - these girls have never worked around the world cos you would be laughed out of the hotel not thrown out in any country that i know of .......

    I like Dubbers very, very much, the first time i went there i was totally blown away with Ireland then after the second visit i sort of started wondering if all the bad press i had read was true and could happen to to say the third visit to Galway - well that did it for me and i got the reference stuff - which is why i have a list of Clients that book me well in advance and ones that i have seen more than once.

    Unlike some Miss snobby bitch here doesn't see about 20 + men whilst in Dubbers for 4 days, i see about 6 - 8 why cos the guys scare the shit out of me.......

    Nobody comes well dressed except those that take me out for a dinner date and they are the ones that i see time and time again - but i would add on here that i was out for dinner with a really high profile Client of mine at Gordon Ramseys restaurant and Gordon came over and had a glass of Champers with us and he was taking the mickey out of Mr x's suit and Ramsey said and i quote "You can put a suit on a pig but hes still going to grunt" - now that wasn't me but Gordon Ramsey. Great saying though isnt it.

    Take care and im not a snobby bitch im a nice lady that does what she does to keep the wolf from the door but the thing is I AM SCARED IN IRELAND - Fact - don't berate me because i said that i was scared and then say well "don't fucking come then." Cos i should not have to be scared - come know that im right - i was with a client when a guy called me on the mobile and started to threaten my life - i passed the phone over to the client for him to listen to this man to listen to what he was saying - he couldnt believe it and started to shout down the phone at him - he hung up - that night i couldnt stay at the hotel i was too scared and he didn't want me to stay there - so i stayed with him that night - now you tell me - how nice is that - you tell me - does that ever happen in London - never ever thats how many times its happened to me - Never in Dubai and you are sent to prison there, they don't care one little bit - France - no way - Italy -never would occur to a guy to do that - the states - never......ITS JUST IRELAND - Or is it pimps scaring the indies...... i don't know - i guess im just a scaredy cat....... or just a decent person where these things DONT happen....... read the sites in Ireland warning boards, not the money stuff, read the threats with scissors and knives........ it ain't an easy job so if you think that the money for sex is one thing - its also danger money.......terrible isnt it.

    Sad of London that i had to write this.

    Still think reviews are pants......... tee hee

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  3. Default

    I think people sometimes can take the review system a little far though to be honest. In my opinion, i like the review system for simple things like whether the picture is an accurate representation of the lady in question and if her profile is accurate in terms of whether the address is correct. Yet, many of the reviews i read are outrageous and usually contain a step by step description of the appointment.
    Also as regards to bad reviews, some of them are so harsh and for the most part the same person has written 5 bad reviews. In my opinion if i was this said individual I would begin to wonder if maybe it was I with the problem...

    As regards to being scared working in Ireland. I used to visit a escort a while ago who left Ireland to work in Amsterdam in De wallen in a window as she felt her personal security had begun to worry her.

  4. #14
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default Piggi, do you write reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by piggi View Post
    Actually the main beneficiaries of bad reviews are good escorts - if a client decides not to see a girl because several trusted reviewers have given her the thumbs down, he will rarely put his money back in the bank. He will select another escort, typically one who has fared better in the review process.

    As for the right to write a rebutal - if an escort feels that she has been unjustly criticised, then she has the right to have this recorded on the review. Indeed, if the moderators agree that the review is suspect then this will be made clear also.

    I think it is a very fair system, and most of the experienced punters are very good at spotting fake / suspect reviews.

    For the escort who really tries to give a good service bad reviews must be very annoying. Often it may be the case that things went wrong on the day, or the escort and client didn't "click" - or whatever. However, everyone is aware of this and a single poor review will not hurt a good escort who has several positive reviews from known clients.

    Are you a punter and if you are how many reviews have you written - if you aren't then you don't really know what goes on - if you are a punter how many women would you say that you had seen.......

    CYA......... looking forward to a swift reply cos i have work to do now.......not escorting another life that i lead........lots of strings to my bow!!!


  5. #15
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default Phew not just me then thats a big woss

    Quote Originally Posted by Sebx14 View Post
    I think people sometimes can take the review system a little far though to be honest. In my opinion, i like the review system for simple things like whether the picture is an accurate representation of the lady in question and if her profile is accurate in terms of whether the address is correct. Yet, many of the reviews i read are outrageous and usually contain a step by step description of the appointment.
    Also as regards to bad reviews, some of them are so harsh and for the most part the same person has written 5 bad reviews. In my opinion if i was this said individual I would begin to wonder if maybe it was I with the problem...

    As regards to being scared working in Ireland. I used to visit a escort a while ago who left Ireland to work in Amsterdam in De wallen in a window as she felt her personal security had begun to worry her.


    My personal security does worry me which is why i am not sure about Ireland - and thats a sad fact - well it is for those that are nice and normal like myself and it would seem a few on here - Ireland are just totally blinkered with reviews, - call them testimonials cos thats what i think that you want really - and its the high class snobby way to go - tee hee like on my site.

    Thanks for writing made me feel more secure in my feelings of Ireland and whether or not to come over again - i may one last time come and that will be it - shame really cos i really fell in love with Dublin the first time i went im just scared.

    That cannot be right surely.

    Never mind xxx Lizzy

    Liz Hilton London Escort
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Sebx14 View Post
    I think people sometimes can take the review system a little far though to be honest. In my opinion, i like the review system for simple things like whether the picture is an accurate representation of the lady in question and if her profile is accurate in terms of whether the address is correct. Yet, many of the reviews i read are outrageous and usually contain a step by step description of the appointment.
    Also as regards to bad reviews, some of them are so harsh and for the most part the same person has written 5 bad reviews. In my opinion if i was this said individual I would begin to wonder if maybe it was I with the problem...

    As regards to being scared working in Ireland. I used to visit a escort a while ago who left Ireland to work in Amsterdam in De wallen in a window as she felt her personal security had begun to worry her.
    Good points Sebx,
    Alexi D and I think a few others, have asked that clients dont give a blow by blow account, which I think is a good idea.
    Unfortunately, while this does happen, a few then ruin it by listing all the favourites!!!
    I think a simple, "yes she is good, great whatever, accurate pics, nice room etc is the way to go"

  7. #17


    I've had quite a few punts thanks to this website and I just joined the forum today so I can toss in my 2 cents on this issue..

    I like the review system –it helped me pick a fine chick today, and I weighted up a lot of options and to be perfectly honest I had a great punt. Don't like too much detail - just say you had a good time and the babe fulfilled your expectations.

    To Liz... I hate to be brutally honest with ya ... but you seem like a right c**t, an über snob and a person who really can't figure out what kind of business she's really in ...

    I mean you take money from punters like the next lass – but believe me other girls come across a lot better than you, and indeed more acceptable to a fee paying public like ourselves – I’ll take your spat with Gemma the BJ Queen for that example.

    I suggest you stay in the UK, what with all the “refined” men over there.... they do tend to wine and dine the knickers of ya.. right?? So why would you bother yourself within these shores again.... too much time on ones hands eh? Need the money to put food beside the silver spoon? I notice you do write a LOT here...

    That being said, the ignorant "Orish" argument is getting old... and I hark back to why in God’s name would you want to spend time over here with the filthy Irishmen – you’d think 700 years of oppression would at least have thought them to wash and dress decent eh?? Men are men Liz .. no matter where you go. When I lived back home (yes I’m a limey and proud – and I come from good stock too – my mother never had to hook to put me through school ) and visited some escorts they would tell me some terrible stories about past occurrences – you only have to look back at that guy Steve Wright in Ipswich to know what some men are capable of doing – and to my knowledge I have not heard that scenario play out in Ireland - thank Christ!!

    If EI is as big a draw as some people suggest (a mate at work told me about it), the more people who read and develop some understanding of the girls on this forum will probably formulate the same opinion of you as I have... and probably spend their hard earned cash on a babe that deservers it... and there are plenty on here that do ..

    Good luck in Ireland


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Thumbs down Watch your mouth!

    Quote Originally Posted by Father Rob View Post
    I've had quite a few punts thanks to this website and I just joined the forum today so I can toss in my 2 cents on this issue..

    I like the review system –it helped me pick a fine chick today, and I weighted up a lot of options and to be perfectly honest I had a great punt. Don't like too much detail - just say you had a good time and the babe fulfilled your expectations.

    To Liz... I hate to be brutally honest with ya ... but you seem like a right c**t, an über snob and a person who really can't figure out what kind of business she's really in ...

    I mean you take money from punters like the next lass – but believe me other girls come across a lot better than you, and indeed more acceptable to a fee paying public like ourselves – I’ll take your spat with Gemma the BJ Queen for that example.

    I suggest you stay in the UK, what with all the “refined” men over there.... they do tend to wine and dine the knickers of ya.. right?? So why would you bother yourself within these shores again.... too much time on ones hands eh? Need the money to put food beside the silver spoon? I notice you do write a LOT here...

    That being said, the ignorant "Orish" argument is getting old... and I hark back to why in God’s name would you want to spend time over here with the filthy Irishmen – you’d think 700 years of oppression would at least have thought them to wash and dress decent eh?? Men are men Liz .. no matter where you go. When I lived back home (yes I’m a limey and proud – and I come from good stock too – my mother never had to hook to put me through school ) and visited some escorts they would tell me some terrible stories about past occurrences – you only have to look back at that guy Steve Wright in Ipswich to know what some men are capable of doing – and to my knowledge I have not heard that scenario play out in Ireland - thank Christ!!

    If EI is as big a draw as some people suggest (a mate at work told me about it), the more people who read and develop some understanding of the girls on this forum will probably formulate the same opinion of you as I have... and probably spend their hard earned cash on a babe that deservers it... and there are plenty on here that do ..

    Good luck in Ireland

    Hey Father Rob, watch your mouth - theres no call for that, Liz is merely expressing her opinion as she is entitled to do.
    And you honestly think you could know someone from a few posts? Do you really think this shit is real?

    Shame on you, name calling and in the name of a Father too - now thats sick.
    Get back to your punting and leave the playground to the adults

  9. #19


    Rory ...

    You can't be all things to all people son ... get off the fucking fence now and again - Christ you seem to think your the nelson mandala of the escort community or something..

    The majority of the babes on EI are great and I have the hight of respect for them.. It can't be easy to do what they do.. and well i love 'em for it... a lot of them have made me happy and I'm sure a few more will in the future..

    As for name calling... I'm not into that childish shite - I believe what I said was an expression of dis-satisfaction on a certain persons character ... play that how you will..

    To the rest of the ladies ... a bene placito

  10. #20
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Default Irish Escorts Have Many Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    Pretty much everyone likes to call on a review before they pay for something
    , be it an escort, a car, or whatever
    As long as it doesnt get too personal, its a good idea.
    If a guy just wants sex, then maybe its not necessary
    But if a guy wants great sex with a beautiful woman, the whole amazing fantasy - then he wants to know theres a good chance of getting it, and getting exactly what he is looking for.
    And reviews help us do that - find that ultimate fantasy and not just "a ride"!

    Hello baby - got her out the cupboard yet????

    I tell you the Irish escort Problem if you would like to know which is why we don't have this same problem.

    The majority of Irish Escorts Do Not have a website...... this is very important if they want to be a bit more than just an escort on adult work - yuk

    The other is that they blur the face too - and its done so badly that its really shocking -
    Even i could do better with some pictures and a knife or some sort of appliance....... men it must be said are very visual creatures and they aren't interested in a story about this that and the other - they want a site that is easy to navigate, gallery, rates and Bobs your uncle - the majority of ladies dont have a site which is why they wonder ohhhhhh how come you have been to India and Dubai etc., cos i have a website and people google escorts in India, Dubai and Dublin and there i am. As could they!

    If E-I or IIE screw up they dont have a site with a tour schedule nothing - so i think a website it really something that is an absolute must cos boys on my site i review those of you that have been shits to me - or just psychos.

    Ireland - i don't feel safe to go there and if the Eurostar wasnt fucked i would definitely go to Paris instead for a change - although i may go to Ireland with a friend that wants to see what its like there as she has family in ireland to so she can combine the two.

    My thoughts anyway for what they are worth. Reviews mean f'all in the rest of the world unless they are on Captain69 which is frankly the only place to have great reviews and i have a fair few on their. Frankly if a guy doesn't have a good time with me then so be it - its just not good chemistry - the more i see of men the less respect i have for them which is a bloody shame. Still i respect me and what i do to make a living and thats the reason that i am doing it - cos it sure ain't cos i love men that can't be arsed to dress nicely for me....... I would imagine Piggi wouldnt be a bad dresser but i think a possible head case as for Paws........wind-up merchant to the ladies on here. Rory you need to get that women off there of this relationship is thru.......and i do mean through.

    Lizzy xxx

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