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Thread: help ...breaking away...

  1. #1
    dub_lad_123 Guest

    Default help ...breaking away...

    hi all. i have only been using escorts for a couple of months. i am a single lad and have been using them every now and then since then, maybe every 2nd or 3rd week. the thing is that i think its starting to develop into a little problem for me and may need some help. i am not posting this so that people will get on their high horse and say there aint nothing my head there is and its something i would like to stop. only problem is that i just get a rush and go out and book one. after i feel like crap and assamed of myself. i was wondering if anyone else has been through and come out the other side ok. i think it may lead to a big problem, does anyone know anyone good to go and talk to this about ie. doctors, shrinks etc ? may be best to PM me if you have any suggestions. thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Hey dub lad well i'd recommend that you put the brakes on visiting the girls for a while . Ask yourself how much you've spent in the past few months you've been punting , and more importantly , can you continue spending the same or even more in the run up to xmas . I'd say go for your next punt around november , save up for it rather than just acting on impulse . That could be the reason you feel crap and ashamed as you say you do after the visit . I felt the same ten yrs ago when i 1st started and i'm sure many more guys have felt that way too . Most guys who visit escorts a fair bit have the cash to do it , and i'm writing this as i sense this could be the problem that you write about . Also its very important for you to form friendships/ relationships with girls and not rely on escorts as your sole means for sex . You wont need to visit a doc or a shrink as i'm sure they will tell you more or less wat i've wrote , and then you'll have even less money for your next punt , which in turn will lead to an even worse feeling than you describe when you next see an escort !!! I usually have 4-6 punts a yr some have that amount in a month , just put the brakes on for now , read what advice comes along and if you feel you need to talk with someone , go to confession !
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Ive sometimes wondered is there something in the Irish psyche thats an addictive tendancy. Sounds like Dub lad has an addiction, as have I!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I think all of his have an addiction to escorts to a degree. But I'm sure most people can control it. It's important not to let it go out of hand and become obsessed with it. You should take a bit of time out from visiting escorts. Don't visit websites like this for a while as you will only be tempted. Take an interest in other websites. Maybe get out more and meet people and do different things. Perhaps this mightn't be easy depending on your circumstances. Keep yourself occupied somehow. If your in a relationship and seeing escorts that's probably why you feel the way you do. On top of all that ask yourself can you afford to this. Make sure your financial situation doesn't suffer over this. It can get out of hand like drinking and gambling. You've made the first step by admitting you have a problem. I think it would be better for you to see a councillor about this before it gets any worse for you.
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