Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
You just beat me to it QPH, I was wondering too why bigpaws was so homophobic. Perhaps he dropped the soap beside Aidand in the shower when they were both inside
It's kind of similar to, as somebody here has already pointed out, QPH branding anybody here who disagrees with him as neing one of my "gang" ............. he can't possibly accept the fact that they independently disagree with him or think he's a long-winded wannabe Westside on their own ................ oh no, that is impossible!!!

The gay thing????
Yourself and QPH fantasise about being an escort "duo" ....................
RicFlair, QPH's biggest "pup", confesses to being bisexual and loving to suck cock ................
Rory practically confessed his undying love for QPH ..............

Yeah ............. I'm the homo-obsessed one!!!!


ps Just to clarify, this post is not meant as an attack on anybody for their sexuality in of itself and no offense is intended ................ the world is for everyone!!!