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Thread: Quarterpounder

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default holidays

    I finally solve the long lost mystery of qph

    hes on holidays with Ber


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by ninebythree View Post
    I finally solve the long lost mystery of qph

    hes on holidays with Ber

    Well darling I guess you have it wrong..coz as far as I know ber is on holidays with couple of wery sexy ladys...well yes he dont need this page anymore..

    So ber...big kiss for the girls say hello to them from me

    And about My Lord QPH he just realised probably that he does Don Quichote and the wiser one will leave on time..
    Many kisses for my sunny place

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    QPH is a passionate and sensitive soul, and I think once he has been threatened, called a liar and all sorts, then he realised what a bunch of ****** people can be on here and decided he was better off without it.

    His long posts were a part of who he was, and why should he change just because most people dont like to read too much? Whatta do ya want? Little pictures?!!

    I'm not blaming anyone or taking sides.

    I just think that while he had a lot to offer this site, he couldnt accept that you have to take everything with a pinch of salt.

    I, for one, think he was a breath of fresh air and would love to see him back.

    He just wasnt meant for our time

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008


    He'll be back, he's just taking a well earned break after all his typing. I just spotted him in the audience of the late late show. Their at the opening of the Wexford Opera house.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Question Rory

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    QPH is a passionate and sensitive soul, and I think once he has been threatened, called a liar and all sorts, then he realised what a bunch of ****** people can be on here and decided he was better off without it.

    His long posts were a part of who he was, and why should he change just because most people dont like to read too much? Whatta do ya want? Little pictures?!!

    I'm not blaming anyone or taking sides.

    I just think that while he had a lot to offer this site, he couldnt accept that you have to take everything with a pinch of salt.

    I, for one, think he was a breath of fresh air and would love to see him back.

    He just wasnt meant for our time
    Just be clear can I ask if you are referring to QPH or Jesus Christ????

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Lol paws, lol

    well people do keep mentioning his "second cumming"!!!

    and you must admit, he was good fun for you!
    He was your squeaky toy to your rottweiler!!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008


    What does that make you rory, bigpaws' gimp
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mysterious Diana View Post
    Well darling I guess you have it wrong..coz as far as I know ber is on holidays with couple of wery sexy ladys...well yes he dont need this page anymore..

    So ber...big kiss for the girls say hello to them from me

    And about My Lord QPH he just realised probably that he does Don Quichote and the wiser one will leave on time..
    Many kisses for my sunny place
    My Lady…

    I came back only to claim my Kiss from a Rose, and as always you are right, it is pointless to joust with inanimate and therefore soulless and heartless objects, driven by the internal dust filled winds of ill will, the gusts of ineptitude and breeze of malcontent.

    Say you will join me on my thrusty ass and I will turn my stead into the wind and away from immobile and reactionary windmills that creak with the effort of their resistance to the wind of truth, level my lance to infinitely more verdant an succulent pastures and when sated return the fair Slavic Seductress to the city of the tribes from whence even the Atlantic ocean is becalmed and rendered powerless by your slightest gesture or suggestion. Say you will, and I will make it so…..Say you won’t and I will be condemned to wander these Spanish plains forever in search of that which cannot be equaled nor vanquished……You.

    One word from you commands my attention several orders of magnitude higher then my derision and mirth at the games of petulant mice and the maze of the feeble minds that they are confined forever to dwell. I live on the windswept open plains that power the windmill of the mind, they are left to make do with the effort of turning the squeaky hamster wheel in their self imposed cages to power the 15 watt bulbs that are just barely able to illuminate their keyboards.

    I think I got the better deal…

    For you my Lady…..

    YouTube - Seal - Kiss from a Rose (Batman Forever Version)

    Have you wind to billow sail
    have you lips to tell a tale

    Are you built to stand gail force
    do you dream, Oh, but of course

    Will you let the northern star
    guide you safely from afar

    Please give your insight, give it do
    for this, I’ll look, only to you

    When windmills of the lesser mind
    do things to hurt and scar and bind

    I’ll think of you, my fairest lady
    and repay your thought, I hope, in kind.


    I LOOOOOOOOVE how you say wery……I like it wery wery much…

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default To Rory, Highway, Alec...

    Thank you or that…. You are right that a bunch of utter Cretans have banded together to bring their own pathetic brand of menace to this place, and I am NOT playing their sad little cyber game’s, but it was not I who was threatened. I told the complete truth in everything and everyone can believe it not believe it, but I only ask all rational people to look at the overkill that he who must be obeyed and attendant fleas have gone to for a week now in order to discredit me. Ask yourself why that is, its because in his rage at having someone continually challenge him in open and fair debate, he could not stop himself from sending those PM’s and when he realized I cannot be controlled and that I have him by the rather scrawny ballbag he lied even sending them let alone their content. It was said I am harmless, I can’t be that harmless now can I when they have gone to that effort knowing the reason I cannot respond. They appear to think that the ultimate sanction is to be cast out from their tired little herd of monotone and dopey wildebeest. FYI, I have never been part of the group and never have or will wish to be, it is one reason I like Escorts as they are by the very nature of their work also self reliant and happy in their own skin, whereas in polar contrast these little gnats on the ass of things here have to clump together as ALL bullies do and back each other up, EVEN from a keyboard, god knows how many underpants they get through in actual contact with real people. That’s assuming of course they even leave their Neolithic caves. I thrive on being an outsider. FFS we are not even in the same county never mind the same room. I have spent most of the week laughing at their pathetic belief that they think its even possible to bully a grown man from a computer screen. I did not have to type a single word all week, I just let them do my work for me and as I knew they would show themselves to all here for what they are,

    Woman Hating, World hating, chip on both narrow shoulders, self-loathing keyboard jockeys.

    I also ask all to take note the inevitable and insistent yap yap yap that will doubtless follow from the little puppy’s and ask to take that as proof positive of all I have said. I am only the latest in a long line that have incurred the rather lack luster and laughable wrath of these utterly sad and empty vessels. They may claim to have brains to burn, but we all know they are to thick to light. I could not care less for anything their hive mentality churns up from the depths of there little ant hill they have set up here to live out in cyber space what is quite impossible for them to do in reality. IE have anyone take the slightest bit of notice of them, they are obviously quite emasculated in life and live out their sad little alter egos from afar.

    To Highway

    Thanks also, but I was not at the opening of the Wexford opera house, I have far bigger fish to fry, I’m heading up for the match to see Waterford claim the all Ireland hurling championship. Me and the Ballygobackwards GAA club have requisitioned all available transport, be it wheeled or hoofed, shod or unshod, willing or unwilling and win lose or draw are going to show the Escorts of Dublin and the surrounding hinterland what a real Punter is made of. Our pockets are heaving with cash built up over several generations of false dawns and we aim to spend it. Money is no object to the boys of the Deise, so all “greedy” Escorts are welcome, in fact the greedier the better. I’d advise all financially strapped and tight as a goose’s arse in November jackeens to get their kicks tonight, because they won’t get a look in tomorrow.

    So lady’s get those showers serviced, stock up on the imperial leather and paint your apartments blue and white, get the hang sandwiches in (not a typo) Oh and you won’t need any protection btw, Waterford men NEVER come. Were like a good pint of Guinness, we keep our head while all around us are losing theirs…


  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default To all...

    Don Quixote challenged mainly things
    That could only harm and taunt the wind

    Here sadly alas, plain to all it seems,
    dwell mice and lice who scratch their schemes

    Not man they aim their poison chalice
    but the fairer sex and extreme the malice

    I tried only to get, all to see
    not worthy of this place are thy

    They claim to love the female form
    but behind the scenes they scowl them and harm

    The keeper of the gate did not
    do credit to their gender one tiny jot

    She sides with those who fume and vent
    and help not those who pay her rent

    This place I thought did care for Women
    have shown instead, to be dark and solemn

    If not your own, will come to aide
    what hope is there for all who’ve paid

    This place did fall below the mark
    to which I held it, that is quite stark

    It seems quite clear that all that counts
    is wealth and not the Ladys health

    This place could be, for all, much more
    if only the keeper was not rotten to the core.

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