With the 2014 European and local elections on the way we should all be contacting political representatives and airing our views. Tell them that we have no intention of voting for a candidate that supports the dictatorial crowd in TOTRL. The many experts that regularly contribute to this forum and in other forums provide plenty of ammunition for us to use to argue our case.

With the elections close there is an incentive for them to sit up and listen.

The Labour party for example can’t afford to burn its bridges with vast swathes of the electorate since it is at rock bottom in the polls.

You can be guaranteed that politicians were intimidated and pushed into supporting TOTRL. To think otherwise is defying political logic or gravity. The very worst case scenario is that a huge minority are against TOTRL and this should be reflected in the political representation.

It doesn’t make sense for people who normally fight with one another and are normally like cheese and chalk to be acting as one. As McKay in Porridge once said to Godber who was pretending not to fight with someone- he doesn’t know whether to put them into solitary confinement or whether to announce their engagement.