are we on the brink of it

as much i think the uk and usa need to fuck off and stop fighting others wars and making them worse

what happened in syria cant be overlooked

but i always found it intreasting the support for the rebels there, are they not the same crowd bush blamed the for twin towers?

then again depending ur opinion that may have been an inside job, so the american people would support there pro war president,

also anyone see some of the pictures on sky last night of some surviours the convulsions, and how there skin and eyes looked

totally off topic, and maybe a wee bit insenstive,,

but me thinks people playing with these kinda weapons cud make some zombie movies a reailty

how a toxin mutates in the air and the body, changes, its attacking the nerve system, ie brain functions etc,

its also well documented that damage to nerve system, can cause emontional changes, mood swings, agressive behaviour, now thats after an accident, what if that done using a gas? a gas which can mutate much more rapid than any disease such as say MS which causes nerve damage, and above mental factors,

seeing the pictures on sky news, doesnt seem such a far fetch idea now

mix a nerve toxin with say the rabies virus, watch it mutate can happen folks

so just saying, zombies can happen