Quote Originally Posted by RicFlair View Post
My dear Highwayman,

There isn't any point in confronting this guy. He's an emotional retard and is incapable of holding a meaningful conversation on any subject. He's a cyberbully. Please read this link and profile of this type of person.

Cyberbullying - Dealing with cyber bullies, flame mail, hate mail

As you can see it applies 100% to this particular subject. His profile is now a science project and I will not respond to any of his postings and I recommend that nobody else does either.

However its very unusual that no administration members have noticed or done anything about this long before now? As they would more than be aware of his behaviour for a long time. Either way I hope you can see through his comments.

He is to be studdied under a microscope.
Was that a reaction one of my posts Ricky Boy???
If so I'm loving it!!! More more more!!!!!
