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Thread: ever happen to you??????????????????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default ever happen to you??????????????????

    So the story goes:
    I was on my way to an appointment when as per usual my paranoia was kicking in,what if some one who knows me sees me,you know the usual.So i arrived dialled and was asked to wait beside apartment as she was not ready,so i wait for her call back,again im looking around to make sure im not noticed,when i notice a man on his mobile wearing a hole in his shoes going up and down the pavment out side the same buliding,i was like no,couldnt be,is he,then my phone goes,come to gate code is.......well what do you know my new friend is calling out the code to get into building rite infront of me,so in i goes,1st floor baby i hear,guess who`s infront of me,apartment##,guess whos still infront of me,so i wait in the hall,till he goes in,in i goes a short(very short)time after,all the while giggling to my self,had i seen a member?????????was it james cork eh no was in dublin,was isittimenow eh i think he was to young,mer eh no were do i start lol,well i was only in the door and i could here a buzzing noise,dont think it was his mobile on silent lol
    /was wondering have you guys had this happen to you,O who ever you were you sounded WONDERFULL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Eh sounds right awkward that. No can't say anything like that has happened to me, only problems I've ever had is opening the fecking door!
    ladiesman217: April 2009 to April 2024


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    lol,wasnt her fault,we laughed about it,she was worried id knock first and other lady would answer

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