Quote Originally Posted by punterminator View Post
I dunno paws. I totally see where you are coming from but I just hate tarring an entire continent with one brush. Do you get me? I mean, we all know the French are cheese eating surrender monkeys, but that's just one nation so it's ok.

Unfortunately, most African/Nigerian women are poor escorts but a lot of them are victims of circumstances. The ppl I feel most sorry for (apart from the poor trafficking victims obviously) are the genuine African escorts out there. I gotta say that they do exist because I have seen them.
Well then please please tell me who they are punterminator!!! Please!!!! I am being genuinely sincere here ........... because I have seen a lot of African escorts over the years and I never even once met a half-decent one!!!

If I did meet a good one I'd be the first to promote her on this site ............. it would be like finding a ruby in the rough!!!
