Honest opinion?

So u did her favor without being asked?
That would make me feel like i owe something to you.
She left you number? Maybe she likes you or was just polite...?

If you liked her so much why u did not sent her nice 'good night' note constantly to keep in touch? Not waiting for 2 weeks as she might think u was not interested.i found a new bf in a weeks time or less when i tought i m with a wrong guy.It was easy.

Decline invitation for coffee?????!!!!You crazy? I never got declined and i dont invite often,and if someone refused,they can go fu6k themself,i have many more guys who will run to me for coffee and not only that.

As punter you will think that every girl is an escort and u might fu6k up some day something nice.And as i see probably u did already.

How dare u call back after declining girls invitation?????

Maybe she s for holiday?
If i do not want someone around i never answer my phone,my friends are used to it,otherwise they would go to police every time i take break from everyone.

You insane? Why would u call her friends number?
That is stupid.
If my mate would not want to talk to someone,i would say the caller i never heard of her too,which i ve done in past already.

You just making idiot outta yourself,you tipical man......