Quote Originally Posted by bustylisa View Post
we had an incident with a client in Waterford .he made an appointment to see us,he said he was traveling from Limerick,he sounded nice and polite over the phone..when we met him he also seemed ok he decided to stay 1 hour 250 (for 2 girls) after 40 minutes he said he wanted to leave and have his money back to which we replied " no way"but he was very welcome to stay the remaining time , he already had been looked after more than properly including a-level etc..then he said that he would stay the remaining time but them decided to have a shower he got dressed in the bathroom and when he came out he demanded his money back again..at this point he started beign abussive and i offered to give him 50 euro back as he had stayed 40 min..he still was not happy and demanded at least 150 back..which we didn't agree too..he had no manners and he told him if he didnt leave we would call security..he took the 50 euro and left..a short while after he started sending threatening messages that he had phone the gards and insulting us .this is not acceptable we do not force anyone to stay he knew the cost and he agreed...

girls be warn of this individual..he is in his 40's about 5foot7,short hair a bit bold in the mid section,was wearing a suit and sounds nice initially but then he is nasty..so be careful with him..he is an 087 number and finishes in 556( wish we could put all his number but we know is not allowed) but he could do this to other girls and if it hadn't been 2 of us there he might had been violent!!

is a pitty because we were treated very well in waterford...he will be probably writing a bad reviews abous us so please ignore it!!! he knows very well he was looked after and those who know us,will know what he writes will be totally untrue and unfair..
Was his name Aidan????
