If She concludes to fast, then you can’t be accused of that, it took you the best part of a week to come up with a reply, what happened? Couldn’t afford the full 40 days and 40 nights in the desert like the J man and had to break off early?, crown of torns not digging in enough.?

Do you think your John the Baptist?.

“to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the lord, to make ready a people prepared for the lord” [Luke 1:17]

We may all need to be reborn, but you need to regain the horn….

You are already preaching to the perverted here, (I mean converted ) they ain’t for turning, so their in for a burning according to you, put the Bible to better use, put in on your head and try to learn some balance.

Preach to pedo’s rapists, murderers, if you turned one from path by your intent, the lord would hold you near.

Leave these disciples of decadence to their altar’s of worthy worship, who’s to know it was not ordained by same…YOU???