Quote Originally Posted by Violette View Post
You could start at the other end of the alphabet first, so it will be Z,X,Y,W,V! Look at that, only four and you are already there, not too expensive, now is it. Go head give it a try be daring, reverse things.
You have a point, I was looking at the A-Z of Escorts here, (there's a shocking lack of Escorts whose names start with X and Y by the way, I guess there all in China for the Olympics). I’d actually only have to visit seven before I got to you, but my problem then is reversed, by the time I got to Diana I be broke and when I got to Alexia, I be flat broke and near crippled, any chance of you changing you name by deed poll for even one day to maybe Abigail or Adele or something, just for little ole me, pretty please with my punting cherry on top.