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Thread: Fall in love with your Escort.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by sexy naomi View Post
    If you fall in love with an escort, it means you are lonely so sort out you personal and emotional life before making the next move because you must understand the lady is providing a service to a client & that's. End of story!!!!
    The main reason escorts put themselves in this type of job is to create a better future for themselves and their family, if the man is in love with her and can only provide love but cannot provide the luxuries the girls are use to then the relationship may deteriorate
    along the way as she realize that he is a working class bum that can only afford the lidl groceries, will she stay faithful? or dicreetly continue the business while he' at work?

    their will be trust issues if the man is poor, less likely if the man if a millionaire, then he can even has two escort girlfriends.

    is that true naomi? if i was attractive enough bloke and had multimillions would you quit your job today to leave with me?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008


    If they start seeing each other and after a while one doesn't trust the other. Would the man still see escorts and would the escort still be escorting? I don't think they could ever trust each other as the issue of how they met never goes away. How do they explain to family and friends. Theres alot of covering up and lying. If their honest with everyone they never forget either. It is easy to think you are the only special one with a certain escort by the way she makes you feel. Then if you keep in touch through email afterwards. But you have to remind yourself of what it is and detach yourself from it. Even if she emails and texts you it proves nothing, could be just good friends or keeping you sweet untill your next visit. I think it's best to visit a few different escorts that way you won't feel like that. If your waiting to hear from her you might feel yourself becoming a bit too obsessed.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Smarty View Post
    Throw your DVD of Pretty Woman out cause it just doesn't happen.

    There was a case in the newspaper a few years ago where a guy from an Post went to the same working girl a lot because he thought she was in love with him as he was with her.
    I think he was up for stalking her or similar.

    End result the guy lost his life savings and got his name in the press.

    Even by the stories posted by some escorts it all ends in misery.
    You will only hear about the relationships that end unhappily.

  4. #24

    Angry It is not going to happen!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by silo View Post
    The main reason escorts put themselves in this type of job is to create a better future for themselves and their family, if the man is in love with her and can only provide love but cannot provide the luxuries the girls are use to then the relationship may deteriorate
    along the way as she realize that he is a working class bum that can only afford the lidl groceries, will she stay faithful? or dicreetly continue the business while he' at work?

    their will be trust issues if the man is poor, less likely if the man if a millionaire, then he can even has two escort girlfriends.

    is that true naomi? if i was attractive enough bloke and had multimillions would you quit your job today to leave with me?
    A millionaire can buy my services but never my heart. If my heart doesn't love a millionaire he can put his money up his ass & I meant it. It is not about poor or rich it is about love and with a client FORGET IT!!!!!!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Thumbs up Good Escort

    Quote Originally Posted by rover View Post
    What do you do when you fall in love with your Escort (please don't say marry her).
    Not necessarily in a sexual way, but for her charissma and charm.
    Any advice out there.
    What do you do?? You highly recommend her to the other punters on here because she must be great at her job!!!

    In fact because of your post I'm going to go see her myself .............. Sandy isn't it??

    Escort Ireland - Escorts - Dublin Independent Escort: Sandy - Irish Independent Escorts, Irish Touring Escorts, Irish Escort Agencies

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    What do you do?? You highly recommend her to the other punters on here because she must be great at her job!!!

    In fact because of your post I'm going to go see her myself .............. Sandy isn't it??

    Escort Ireland - Escorts - Dublin Independent Escort: Sandy - Irish Independent Escorts, Irish Touring Escorts, Irish Escort Agencies


    Paws, you make me smile - god bless ya!

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Dear dreamon..... you really need to dream on I'm affraid.... that dinner thing just wouldn't work in my opinion. But hats of for your optimistic, romantic outlook.
    It is not about a millioner or his money, it's difficult to pretend for a lifetime if you don't like the guy. You will only enjoy his money for a while, but what then????
    I'd say forget it darling. It would take a lot of convining, if you want her to stop the "job".... if you are generally a jelious person, forget it even more.... I don't think many girl will just stop like that on a whim....
    I'd say just ask her upfront for a real date. Bear in mind though, if her feelings are not mutual, you might have lost your fav escort then..... but at least you know where you stand.
    Dublin tbc , Belfast tbc, Cork tbc

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default I spoil it all by saying something stupid !?!

    If you do fall in love and the feeling is mutual then count yourself lucky- Ignore what everyone else says and thinks because quite frankly most people are full of Shit and are far more able to live other peoples lives than their own.

    Life comes around once and just because something works (or doesn't ) for somebody else does not mean that your fate shall be the same.

    Sure the odds are against odd but what the heck.

    YouTube - Frank & Nancy Sinatra - Something Stupid

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Talking hilarious

    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    What do you do?? You highly recommend her to the other punters on here because she must be great at her job!!!

    In fact because of your post I'm going to go see her myself .............. Sandy isn't it??

    Escort Ireland - Escorts - Dublin Independent Escort: Sandy - Irish Independent Escorts, Irish Touring Escorts, Irish Escort Agencies


    does being a cunt come naturally???

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    What do you do?? You highly recommend her to the other punters on here because she must be great at her job!!!

    In fact because of your post I'm going to go see her myself .............. Sandy isn't it??

    Escort Ireland - Escorts - Dublin Independent Escort: Sandy - Irish Independent Escorts, Irish Touring Escorts, Irish Escort Agencies

    LOL.... I like your thinking. Think I'll try her out too. This kind of recommendation is too good to ignore.

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