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Thread: Lizz in cork

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Thanks Anita…(You do Sizzle btw,great name)

    I hadn’t seen the profile, I assumed she was another East European Ice Queen or something. It is fair to say she is in a minority of body types that are here all right, but different stokes for different folks I guess. I do like her honesty though in saying she is shy, that appeals I must admit, but I’d be concerned for her admitting that, as I feel you would not survive or thrive in this business over the long term without being very in control and well able to bring the hammer down when the situation arises, as she said herself she’s new to it, I sincerely get the vibe she would be better of not going down this road if she is shy in nature, that shyness WILL be exploited by someone at sometime.

    Kind Regards…QPH…

  2. #12
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    I think she'll attract the wrong sort with that profile. A shy lass that's easily persuaded. She sounds like a battered wife. These profiles are strange. The one the other day who says she's intelligent and names the hotel she's in.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    I think she'll attract the wrong sort with that profile. A shy lass that's easily persuaded. She sounds like a battered wife. These profiles are strange. The one the other day who s2ays she's intelligent and names the hotel she's in.
    Her profile must be working for her. She's been booked up until Saturday, for the last couple of days

    And if she's getting €150/€250 everybody else should be getting those prices, so please STOP looking for price reductions.

  4. #14
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    Ah well it seems to have worked plenty of wifebeaters for her then.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Ah well it seems to have worked plenty of wifebeaters for her then.
    How did you know.

    Seen the review? You weren't too far off the mark

  6. #16
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    Question eeek

    If that RW on her is genuie than WTF????Boyfriend answering her phone??How doz that works? Sounds fishy(pimpy) to me..Just imagining..calling for some nice escort guy and his GF will answer the phone..My heart will stop and i will hang up and newer call again...
    so guys now a wana know..if you call a girl and a guy answer the phone..whats your reaction?

  7. #17
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    If a guy answers the phone I would hang up. I agree with you there he must be her pimp. It would put me right off.

    Anita, a lucky guess on my part. The way she portrays herself on her suggests to me the type of people she would attract.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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  8. #18
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    Default To answer you question?

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    High Ber, you paint a picture, matchsticks under the eyes, coffeepot permanently on the boil, smelling salts at the ready…

    I know there not at it 24/7 , I was just thinking that if they say they are available 24 hours a day on a profile then presumably they may well get called at 2 in the morning, when the last call was say 10 in the evening then another at 6 in the morning maybe. Or you nick out to the shops and the phone goes, if you say your on 24 hour call but can’t honor it now and again, I’d have thought they’d be leaving themselves open for criticism. It’s hard to be everywhere, all the time, only takes one incident and your rep. is called into question. I just thought that after a while the ole body clock wouldn’t know up from down from such disruption from the normal sleep patterns. When I was full time on a trawler you do two, eight hour days at times, and it wrecks your head after a while. You’d nearly jump over the side for a kip. I just thought the normal times I see here of 10 to 10 our whatever seem better for the whole work/life balance thing.

    But maybe 24/7 Escorts Live to Work, so that’s fair enough.

    I was wondering it there's a predominant time period favored by Escorts or Clients, be that morning/afternoon or afternoon/evening or whatever. What’s the rush hour of punting so to speak ?

    Good to see you back btw…
    Please allow me to shed some light on the strange question of open 24h. On my profile I am available 24hr, It is easier than trying to pick which hours to list, if the truth be known. Also different places, are different at different times. Smaller towns tend to have you hoppin from mid morning till just before dinner, then a pause, then from then till just after 11pm. Dublin is a bit more of a mixed. Depending on the day, the event (footie), the time of the month. The variables are numerous. Thus 24h. It does work for me!
    I hoped this helped. kisses V


  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violette View Post
    Please allow me to shed some light on the strange question of open 24h. On my profile I am available 24hr, It is easier than trying to pick which hours to list, if the truth be known. Also different places, are different at different times. Smaller towns tend to have you hoppin from mid morning till just before dinner, then a pause, then from then till just after 11pm. Dublin is a bit more of a mixed. Depending on the day, the event (footie), the time of the month. The variables are numerous. Thus 24h. It does work for me!
    I hoped this helped. kisses V

    Thanks Violette,

    That’s thrown a lot of light on it actually,

    I can see now why its better to cover all the bases and say 24 and be done with it (must be hard enough to schedule though, trying to accommodate over a large time span), I just thought it would be a bit like being tied to the job and not be able to switch off for a while and do your own thing in peace. Puzzled why a smaller town would be busier during the time’s you mentioned. Dublin being huge obviously means a very wide range in working hours/practices and circumstances of people. I had thought that the busiest time would be between say 8 to midnight across the board, this does not appear to be the case, I can only surmise that this is because the vast majority of Punters are Married and would be expected to be home these hours. I may be wrong, (nearly always am)

    Ps That has helped Violette, apologies if I come out with stupid question’s, I’m but a babe to the workings of things here and appreciate you taking the time to throw me over your shoulder to avoid trapped wind.

    Hope you’re pitchin’ arm is on the mend.

    In relation to Lizz, its plain to see that something very bad is going on there, I think it is a boyfriend (contradiction in terms) though, but an abusive one, maybe not a pimp in the normal sense of the word, but not far removed either, as soon as I saw the word “shy” I thought, uh oh a lamb to the slaughter if ever I saw one. Shyness in this industry I suspect is as dangerous as an injured leg to a deer on the Serengeti, they both will be targeted by predators in each arena for much the same reason, vunerability.

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