Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
so i take it QPH your not going to lose your virginity as far as with Escorts go in the immediate future, some girls seem to like u here, u could even get a big discount u could have a time to remember
High EP, how are things, I’ll take that in the humor that it was meant, and thanks for your ability to remain mannerly in a discussion instead of veering of into insult as sometimes happens here, I value that trait enormously in people.

I will never be able to reconcile sex with renumeration, that’s just me, not judging anyone here, I’ve made that pretty clear and the best prove of that is the fact that I engage here at all as my reasons are tempered steel at this stage.

But if I was I would or could never ever haggle over something as intimate as that, and I said earlier that “if” I were to I can assure you it would be a once off, balls to the wall, no expense spared thing.

“if” some like me, the liking is mutual, the little they give of themselves in forum (and it can only ever be a little, Escort or Punter) are a few drops of their personality’s, but I find those drops wash away the cobwebs that hang from the Portraits on this hallowed wall far more then a waterfall of reviews, and I like what I see.

I like them for them and not what I can get from them or haggle from them. I have had far too much manners instilled into me to even consider, nare mind attempt such a thing.

Best Regards...QPH...