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Thread: Drop Your prices and we'll cum

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I’ve been wondering about that, It you said to an Escort that you where Dreamon, how would you prove you were, I guess if the Escort let you log on in E-I using their laptop that would prove it, but if you did not want to let them know your username and you wrote a review with a date mentioned then you would be pinned down easy enough. Personally I would say my username and also my real name, it’s not MI5 at the end of the day, and a real name is more personnel. Even if the Escorts name is not their own, at least it's an actual name and not QPH or whatever, but for the well established clients here, I’d say its important to protect their real name and only give it to those they know they can trust.
    I always go By Epsilon.
    I dont like to give my real name... Its a kinda game.. the girls all have nicnames and so do I.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon View Post
    I always go By Epsilon.
    I dont like to give my real name... Its a kinda game.. the girls all have nicnames and so do I.
    I know it doesn’t really matter if you use an username or real/made up name, its just I pictured myself finally plucking up the courage to ring, they answer and I go high, Quarterpoundher here…, God I’d feel like a fisher price James Bond doing that.

    But on a serious note, the group of Clients that I’ve become familiar with here, who have good reps, honest fellas, the Escorts who have had appointments with them know and have confidence that they will not be a problem in any way and give an honest review etc.. I was wondering what’s to stop a gobs**t visiting an Escort who may not know (for example) Epsilon, and that guy says he is Epsilon and proved to be a problem, is there some sort of verification to prove they are the username they say, or can an unsure Escort cross reference the mobile number with other Escorts who do know Epsilon and confirm one way or the other. I just wondered if the good rep of a client was ever misused in this way, and would an Escort take someone saying they were Epsilon at face value alone or inquire amongst themselves. Its just I think genuine clients reps are equally as important to protect as Genuine Escorts.

    Forgive my naivete, just wondering as I think its possible that an Escort may have had a maybe once off appointment with what they thought was a certain username, how do they actually know for certain…I could say I’m Paws or anyone else or vice versa.

    And on a lighter note to those that stick to their usernames, if your getting to the final furlong and paying that kind a money, wouldn’t you rather have your own name being called out except,


    If I were forking out that I’d want my own name being hollered, if it was Qph, I’d be looking over my shoulder to see who they were talking to…

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I know it doesn’t really matter if you use an username or real/made up name, its just I pictured myself finally plucking up the courage to ring, they answer and I go high, Quarterpoundher here…, God I’d feel like a fisher price James Bond doing that.

    But on a serious note, the group of Clients that I’ve become familiar with here, who have good reps, honest fellas, the Escorts who have had appointments with them know and have confidence that they will not be a problem in any way and give an honest review etc.. I was wondering what’s to stop a gobs**t visiting an Escort who may not know (for example) Epsilon, and that guy says he is Epsilon and proved to be a problem, is there some sort of verification to prove they are the username they say, or can an unsure Escort cross reference the mobile number with other Escorts who do know Epsilon and confirm one way or the other. I just wondered if the good rep of a client was ever misused in this way, and would an Escort take someone saying they were Epsilon at face value alone or inquire amongst themselves. Its just I think genuine clients reps are equally as important to protect as Genuine Escorts.

    Forgive my naivete, just wondering as I think its possible that an Escort may have had a maybe once off appointment with what they thought was a certain username, how do they actually know for certain…I could say I’m Paws or anyone else or vice versa.

    And on a lighter note to those that stick to their usernames, if your getting to the final furlong and paying that kind a money, wouldn’t you rather have your own name being called out except,


    If I were forking out that I’d want my own name being hollered, if it was Qph, I’d be looking over my shoulder to see who they were talking to…

    Very good point QPH... i never concidered it..( you realy are a smart arse)
    I'm sure punters do use fake names, or say they are big paws or Ber etc.. I prefere to go to girls who i have spoke to on here or have conversed through posts. i find that the initial meeting is a lot more relaxed.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon View Post
    I prefere to go to girls who i have spoke to on here or have conversed through posts. i find that the initial meeting is a lot more relaxed.
    I’d agree with that 100%. I’m not knocking someone who can knock on the door of someone they never even briefly had an interaction with on these boards, a part of me admires that even. But I’d be exactly like you and be far more at ease having had a bit of banter, the ice is broken a little and you know that your not going to encounter the next ice age when you do meet. I fully admit being a bit of a wimp in this regard, there is just no way I could go solely on a profile, that tells you absolutely nothing as to their personality, and it works both ways for the Escorts as well, even I can tell that fellas such as yourself, Highway, Rory, Anon and a lot of others are decent skins and are what I would hope Clients to be and any Escort is entitled to encounter, I don’t think this resource is utilized to it’s full potential in this regard, I might be wrong and a lot of PMs are maybe being exchanged.

    For me personally all the photos and profiles in the world mean nothing. She could be the most stunning Woman in the world and equally lovely in person, but it’s a post or two that confirms that for me. I’ll take Intelligence, warmth, a sense of fun and humor, and a little mischief over all the favorites in the world any day, and I don’t think I’m alone in that and profiles just can’t convey that. Those quality’s shine through from the regular Escort posters, and they do much to lift the veil and burn the fog from this lifestyle, Violette in particular cracks me up, you just know you would leave with a smile on your face, her sense of humor is just the best, but has also shown herself to be a deep person, as has Alexi D, nothing I say will add to how equally highly regarded she is other then to say Heaven is short one Angel, but I have to add Diana also, she seems the real deal, very warm and bubbly. I admit that I’d make a lousy punter, I’d be in therapy in a week as I’d leave my heart on their doorstep every time, that’s just me, and yet another feckin’ reason (if I didn’t have enough already) why I wouldn’t go down this road. I think you have to be able to separate things to be a Punter or Escort and I would never be able to. The sad thing is I’m sure there are dozens upon dozens more equally lovely Lady’s (and decent Clients) but for whatever reason (language or whatever) all you have to go on is a snazzy pic, I think too much emphasis is placed on them by both parties. Maybe its different in other parts of the world, but the Escorts here from farther afield should note that the way to a true Irishman’s heart (or in this realm his wallet) is not through his eyes, but through his ears, so I would simply suggest to take a snapshot of yourself with words and not a lens.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Wink The One & Only ...........

    Quote Originally Posted by dreamon View Post
    It always seemed to me to be a fair trade-off. The punters, and prospective punters, got the escorts perspective on the various issues and the escorts got to put their personality forward and advertise their tour dates. There are some who would complain but these same people will spend their lives feeling hard done by.

    It seems to me that there is an interesting question here. If you were to visit an escort would you go in and say "hi, I am Quarterpounder" or would you use your own or a different name. I would never use "dreamon" but Paws must use "Paws" as the escorts seem to recognise him. I dont know about the others.
    Actually there seems to be a couple of punters out there claiming to be "bigpaws" when they meet some escorts which is fine by me but they should be very selective about which escorts they claim to be me to because they may well get their eyes scratched out by some pissed off escort!!!

    I have a long and bumpy history in which I have upset a few people including one or two escorts ............ so "paws for thought" before you claim to be me!!!!

    Here's a tip .............. do NOT visit Sexy Naomi (good advise in itself!!) and say "Hey I'm bigpaws!! You know, from the website ...........?? Why are you looking at me like that?? You're scarng me ..........."!!!


    ps Thank the Lord (or Patricia??) for the magic of PM's ..................
    Last edited by bigpaws; 31-07-08 at 23:08.
    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  6. #66
    Join Date
    May 2008


    At first when I'd contact an escort I'd go by thehighwayman. When it's closer to the time I give my real name, after a few emails. I just give my first name theres no need for the full thing. But a first name makes it more personal. When I'm in contact with her for future dates I say this is ......(thehighwayman)
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    Here's a tip .............. do NOT visit Sexy Naomi (good advise in itself!!) and say "Hey I'm bigpaws!! You know, from the website ...........?? Why are you looking at me like that?? You're scarng me ..........."!!!

    Oh Man I’d pay serious money to be the flypan on the wall of the MONUMENTAL idiot that chirpily announces he is Bigpaws there, CHRRRRRRRRRIST there wouldn’t be enough of him left to post home.

    BAAAAAD career move….

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I’d agree with that 100%. I’m not knocking someone who can knock on the door of someone they never even briefly had an interaction with on these boards, a part of me admires that even. But I’d be exactly like you and be far more at ease having had a bit of banter, the ice is broken a little and you know that your not going to encounter the next ice age when you do meet. I fully admit being a bit of a wimp in this regard, there is just no way I could go solely on a profile, that tells you absolutely nothing as to their personality, and it works both ways for the Escorts as well, even I can tell that fellas such as yourself, Highway, Rory, Anon and a lot of others are decent skins and are what I would hope Clients to be and any Escort is entitled to encounter, I don’t think this resource is utilized to it’s full potential in this regard, I might be wrong and a lot of PMs are maybe being exchanged.

    For me personally all the photos and profiles in the world mean nothing. She could be the most stunning Woman in the world and equally lovely in person, but it’s a post or two that confirms that for me. I’ll take Intelligence, warmth, a sense of fun and humor, and a little mischief over all the favorites in the world any day, and I don’t think I’m alone in that and profiles just can’t convey that. Those quality’s shine through from the regular Escort posters, and they do much to lift the veil and burn the fog from this lifestyle, Violette in particular cracks me up, you just know you would leave with a smile on your face, her sense of humor is just the best, but has also shown herself to be a deep person, as has Alexi D, nothing I say will add to how equally highly regarded she is other then to say Heaven is short one Angel, but I have to add Diana also, she seems the real deal, very warm and bubbly. I admit that I’d make a lousy punter, I’d be in therapy in a week as I’d leave my heart on their doorstep every time, that’s just me, and yet another feckin’ reason (if I didn’t have enough already) why I wouldn’t go down this road. I think you have to be able to separate things to be a Punter or Escort and I would never be able to. The sad thing is I’m sure there are dozens upon dozens more equally lovely Lady’s (and decent Clients) but for whatever reason (language or whatever) all you have to go on is a snazzy pic, I think too much emphasis is placed on them by both parties. Maybe its different in other parts of the world, but the Escorts here from farther afield should note that the way to a true Irishman’s heart (or in this realm his wallet) is not through his eyes, but through his ears, so I would simply suggest to take a snapshot of yourself with words and not a lens.
    Personally speaking, the quickest way to my wallet is thruogh my dick! Seriously though, I do think that you have to exercise a certain caution in relation to the posts here. The girls that you refer to are very experienced professionals who, quite obviously, use this forum as an advertising medium. Unless you meet the girls you will not be able to tell how much their posts represent an affected persona or the real person. Punters dont want mousey victims, they want strong, independent, sassy, horny women, who are a change from the woman waiting at home. Does this persona sound familiar? However, it is entirely possible that the real girl is one and the same as the girl in your imagination. Nothing beats hearing the words from the girls mouth while looking into her eyes. Maybe you risk leaving your heart behind but "it is better to have loved and lost.......". So go and meet the girl. The plus side is that, at this stage, the girls would probably pay to meet you.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I can’t fault you for your honesty anyway about the first bit Dreamon……You say to risk your heart, but the thing is there is no risk about it, for me it would be a certainty, because I am under no illusions here believe me. Money cannot buy love, the day that ever happens will be a sad one indeed. I believe an Escort can care for a Client and be very fond of them, be genuinely warm and affectionate, be real and good friends even, but at the end of the hour that’s where it ends, by dint of there professionalism that is a prerequisite, Money can buy from the very good Escorts a close facsimile possibly, but only that, a mirage, an etheral mist but not the real thing, (that I presume is why GFE is so to the fore in favorites offered and expected, but the E part of that is exactly that, nothing more) and as I said before I personally cannot separate things the way that both Escorts and Clients, if they are to avoid becoming emotional slow motion train wrecks over time have to be able to do. I admire that ability but I don’t have it and never will. And if your right and they are playing a persona in posts then visiting them as a Client will neither confirm or deny that as they will definitely be in fantasy fulfillment mode then because as you say that is what you are paying for, but I’m not a punter, I have no wish nor desire to be witness to, or pay for a charade, I am interested in the real Woman behind the stage door when the lights have dimmed and the curtains fall and the make up is off, I am far to logically minded to be sidelined by smoke and mirrors. I can see the attraction, but it does nothing for me. I personally like to see the real person, and if they are having an off day, I’d rather know then expect them to soldier on and pretend to be perfect. I know they’re not, none of us are. My Father was very intolerant of showing the slightest sign of weakness, even normal colds and sniffles had to be masked if they got to bad, you were allowed a certain low level of illness but after that it was a case of suck it up no matter what it was, he was not particularly strict, not strict at all in fact, just found it hard to impossible to empathize, and I understand why he was that, but for that reason I prefer to know if something was bugging someone even if it was off this realm and of a fiscal nature.

    But I do not feel that all are playing a persona in the forum for the simple reason that if they were then it would be wall to wall “come up and see me” type posts that would be made, and anyone who has been on this forum can see that they contribute enormously and give their opinions and views on a whole range of issues both serious and light hearted, so no, I feel it disingenuous to suggest otherwise, I’m not having a go at you Dreamon, its just its no wonder more don’t contribute if they are going to be constantly under the spotlight and not have what they say taken at face value and be under constant suspicion of having an ulterior motive, what I would call the “X Files” syndrome, that exists here at times, IE they must be up to something. It could “just” possibly be that they are only talking. As for paying to see me, they’d want their money back, I’m nothing special, (except when in studbud mode, then I’m cheap as chips, at twice the price )

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